I have said this before but not with this much emphasis. YOU AINT RIGHT.I have Darnica on race buddy so I can hear her scream as she wrecks.
ESPN is now running through the Danica excuse checklist. SLOW DOWN FELLAS!!! There's a long way to go
Yes it was.....23 cars a lap down by the compitition cautionWow. Nice move Ricky. He just blew right by Kyle.
It's going to be a tough day for Elliot.
That team has shot themselves in the foot the last couple weeks with mistakes.
Sam is holding up Menard and Dillon and they're getting impatient.
Make a hole!!! That's right these guys don't do that anymore
It sure called for a gentle move, but we have pussies racing these days.
Where the hell is that gator?
Yep. It's becoming more stale every lap. The tracks, the cars and the personalities are just killing it for me this year.
Who knows! Looking for muffin tops maybe?
I wish wankers weren't so sensative. I kind of miss them.
Where the hell is that gator?
Awwwww Cheer up FB you can post in both
Last post, 30 minutes ago: Where is everyone?
"That piece on left handed..." lol
That was bucky badger.
You didn't know who Bucky Badger was before that???
Sure, I just didn't know he was left handed.