Excellent photo series . Wondering if this is a family operation ? Is she related to Carl Long ? Are there family members on the crew ? Who is the lady on the crew ? Looks like a top notch effort when they have guys like David Green helping . It's amazing how much effort goes into putting a racecar on the track ,even a start and park goes through the same thing ,including practice and qualifying ..must break the driver and crews hearts not to be able to compete and get see the results of all that effort.
That is a great point Ted, racing is hard work, and even a modest team is composed of a small army.
I tried it, I had a great job but I worked a second one to pay for racing.
I struggled it was a poor man's dream. I ruined my back lifting engine blocks, I have had two back surgeries and titanium keeps the pieces together.
It was also tough on the wife.
It ain't easy. It takes everything you have, you just have to have the insane love, and believe in the impossible.
People who never tried can mentally grasp it, but it is isn't internalized with the scars.
I am still glad I tried especially before becoming a dad, I will go to the grave with a little more peace.
Hopefully I don’t have to say what I think of those who constantly snark the drivers. It is tough, and most everybody who has hit some high street speed thinks they can drive one.
They don't have a clue.
At least this team is trying.