Johnny Benson latest?



What's the latest on Benson's condition? I haven't heard anything lately and he hasn't written a column over on msnbc since his near-fatal accident.
07/02/09 - Thursday

JB Fans,

Greetings from North Carolina!

We have settled into a routine of daily walks, follow up doctor visits and processing insurance paperwork. Everyday I have thought, "Today, I will post an update and then reconsider that I should wait until we have seen Dr. "So and So."

It has been determined that Johnny has a grade 4 shoulder separation that will require surgery. Because of the bruise on his lung it has been recommended to wait another 10 days before proceeding with surgery. We are waiting to hear from the surgeon to find out what date has been scheduled but we are expecting sometime the week of July 20.

It sounds silly to say but Johnny is actually excited about the surgery. His shoulder is what has caused him the most pain and is also what he has worried about healing correctly. He is glad that a procedure exists to fix it!! He does have a burn on his elbow that Nurse Deb (that's me) washes, treats and bandages once a day.

He cannot drive yet so once a day I take him out in the car for a field trip or to run an errand. I am frightened to death of driving him. What if I hit something??!! Today his friend took him out to lunch (I get a break!).

We'll try to keep you updated. Have a great day!

Debbie Benson
hornaday mentioned jb last night and sent his buddy best wishes.
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