Johnson/Earnhardt Jr. to bring three pit crews each week


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Interesting..... Chad Kanus and Steve Letarte are going to bring three pit crews for two cars each weekend to give them a pool of 18 crew members to draw from should someone need replaced. The strong get stronger! So much for saving a little money by eliminating that catch can guy. I wonder how many teams out there are going to be able to compete with this move? I also wonder how long it is until a new rule is written to eliminate such a move? Brain will probably have to buy a new pencil before that will happen. Gotta give Chad credit though..... That guy is always thinking outside the box.

Full article here,
not exactly a morale booster for the supposed pit crew guys knowing they can (and probably will) be replaced for having a bad day. working for hms pit crew's as opposed to somebody else's pit crew just hit a new low.
Why no 3 crews for the 24(old 88) and 5? I thought all HMS teams were the same.:rolleyes:
NASCAR needs to creat a rule against this type of thing. They talk about helping cut costs and some teams come up with this idea.
Enough is enough....Bring a few extra people but three extra teams is ridiculous.
NASCAR needs to creat a rule against this type of thing. They talk about helping cut costs and some teams come up with this idea.

Completely agree. Things like this just drive the cost of the sport higher and higher.
So does this mean if they have to replace the crew chief for Earnhardt, they can? :p
Enough is enough....Bring a few extra people but three extra teams is ridiculous.
Technically, it's 1 extra team. The other 2 will presumably be in use.
So instead of a few extra poeple, it's 4-5 people. Really not that big of a deal.

Noboby b!tches when they have 5 engineers, and 9 shock specialists in the hauler, but....... if there are 2 extra tire carriers, a jackman, gas man, and tire changers that show up to the track, we get our panties in a bunch. Also, who's to say that extra team wouldn't end up covering a 5, and 24 situation too?
And.....why aren't we whining about a cup crew servicing a NNS car on Saturdays? Thats just as bad as a cup driver in the series, if you ask me.
Technically, it's 1 extra team. The other 2 will presumably be in use.
So instead of a few extra poeple, it's 4-5 people. Really not that big of a deal.

Noboby b!tches when they have 5 engineers, and 9 shock specialists in the hauler, but....... if there are 2 extra tire carriers, a jackman, gas man, and tire changers that show up to the track, we get our panties in a bunch. Also, who's to say that extra team wouldn't end up covering a 5, and 24 situation too?
And.....why aren't we whining about a cup crew servicing a NNS car on Saturdays? Thats just as bad as a cup driver in the series, if you ask me.

I'm mad about all that stuff. It's what's really hurting the sport in the long run, driving the cost out of reach for all but the select few mega-teams.
I'm mad about all that stuff. It's what's really hurting the sport in the long run, driving the cost out of reach for all but the select few mega-teams.

Agreed. In one instance I see NASCAR trying to cut costs and increase safety by eliminating the 'catch can man' on pit road. 43 less people out there during those stops. They also decreased the allotment of tires to teams by one set this year for practice and qualifying. These things are all an effort at cost cutting measures. You then have this 'mega team' now decide to bring an extra pit crew along. It does seem a bit much to me. I don't think it will be too long and Brian will get out his pencil again and that will be the end of the extra crew.
I'm mad about all that stuff. It's what's really hurting the sport in the long run, driving the cost out of reach for all but the select few mega-teams.

I don't understand how anyone can be mad at this pit crew thing.
Bottom line, just about all these teams have 2nd string pit crews at the shop practicing all the time.
Every team out there can bring their plan B crew along if they want. I really don't think thats an overwhelming expense.
Even today theres always someone to fill in for any given team when a jackman gets his foot ran over on pit road anyhow....
Not a real big deal.
I don't understand how anyone can be mad at this pit crew thing.
Bottom line, just about all these teams have 2nd string pit crews at the shop practicing all the time.
Every team out there can bring their plan B crew along if they want. I really don't think thats an overwhelming expense.
Even today theres always someone to fill in for any given team when a jackman gets his foot ran over on pit road anyhow....
Not a real big deal.

Not overwhelming if you are Hendrick and can afford it! Costs a lot of money for transportation, lodging, and food, not to mention everything else that goes along with training them.
Not overwhelming if you are Hendrick and can afford it! Costs a lot of money for transportation, lodging, and food, not mention everything else that goes along with training them.

Anyone who can afford to bring a hauler to a cup event, is not living hand to mouth.
I'm certain that even poor Carl Long makes a bigger chunk of change, a year, than I ever have.
Also, there is nothing that says you need to bring a 2nd pit crew. Maybe Truexs' pitcrew will be spot on all year, in which case Hendricks is throwing money down the drain.
Theres the old addage, it takes money to make money. If they ain't got it, they should stay home.
The playing field is not even , and never will be, just like life.
I have friends that are doing well enough, that the price of gas could go to $5.00 a gallon tomorrow, and they wouldn't have to change one thing about how they go through their day, and life, and they wouldn't.
Me, i'd have to seriously revisit the way I operate from day to day.
Same principal applies.
Anyone who can afford to bring a hauler to a cup event, is not living hand to mouth.
I'm certain that even poor Carl Long makes a bigger chunk of change, a year, than I ever have.
Also, there is nothing that says you need to bring a 2nd pit crew. Maybe Truexs' pitcrew will be spot on all year, in which case Hendricks is throwing money down the drain.
Theres the old addage, it takes money to make money. If they ain't got it, they should stay home.
The playing field is not even , and never will be, just like life.
I have friends that are doing well enough, that the price of gas could go to $5.00 a gallon tomorrow, and they wouldn't have to change one thing about how they go through their day, and life, and they wouldn't.
Me, i'd have to seriously revisit the way I operate from day to day.
Same principal applies.

Maybe same principle applies to a certain degree, but when all the Teams stat doing it, it drives up the entire cost of the sport which trickles down to everything else. Not a good thing by any means. If you have friends that can afford $5 gas, not even flinch in their life style, then they must be multi millionaires. If gas ever goes that high, which it very well could soon, with all the crap going on in Egypt, you won't have Nascar to watch anymore.
If you have friends that can afford $5 gas, not even flinch in their life style, then they must be multimillionaires.

No, they just worked hard and invested wisely, and don't have to drive to work every day.
I for one think it's good to employ 5-7 more people per team, if they can, i'm sure there are alot of them without work since the end of the 08' season.
It's amazing that no one wants to put a cap on R&D in the shop, and stupid hours in a windtunnel, but god forbid a couple hundred more guys have employment? Very sad indeed.
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