Junior Johnson’s Moonshine Still headed to the NASCAR Hall of Fame


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Do you think there's a chance they're giving away free samples? :beerbang:

Inaugural Inductee Junior Johnson revealed a unique contribution to the NASCAR Hall of Fame, the 150,000-square-foot interactive, entertainment attraction set to open May 11, 2010 in Charlotte, N.C. Johnson, almost as famous for running moonshine as his racing career, is providing the NASCAR Hall of Fame a full-size, authentic moonshine still to be displayed in the pre-NASCAR Theater of the NASCAR Hall of Fame. The still, which was built by Johnson, is identical to the stills used by Johnson and his family in years past. Telling these stories has been a massive undertaking for the NASCAR Hall of Fame exhibit team. Historian Buz McKim is charged with uncovering hidden treasures of the sport for display in the facility, which houses more than 40,000 square feet of exhibits and has more than 50 interactive displays. Even as the exhibits are being prepared for display, more great stories are being created.
Trivia. My bride and I owned a place near North Wilkesboro and when visiting an old car exhibit in the mid-eighties, saw a cast metal sign(?) bolted to the top of the front license on one of the cars displayed. This sign had been made in bulk and when I asked about it, was told they were sold by a group (civic organization?) to raise money. The sign had some designs along with print similar to this:
"NORTH WILKESBORO Moonshine Capital of the World."

I wonder if NaSCAR will find one of those. We were told these signs at that time were scarce and if one was found cost over $100.00.

Just some trivia for NASCAR history buffs.
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