Just opened electric bill

We been around that number too.I guess it helps to keep that thermostat off of 72 or 74 in the summertime.:D:D
My wife does all that stuff. I don't even wanna know. Just as long as I get my allowance:D
our june bill was 190.00 for gas and ele...it will be interesting to see the new one in a day or 2
Received electric bill Friday. $150.51.
2800 sq. ft. contemporary style home; we don't change settings between night and day and thermostats are set as follows:

First floor a/c set at 79 degrees, 24/7.
Second floor a/c set at 82 degrees, 24/7.

We never lived in an a/c controlled house until relocating to North Carolina 12 years ago. Until temps get in the mid-eighties and humidity rises, we prefer to try to stay cool with ceiling fans. This summer we have had to close the house up and run a/c since June.
My wife has the bedroom set low enough that I'm surprised we don't have sides of beef hanging in the closet.

The electric bill, I'm a'scared to open it. Feels really heavy.

Gas bill I love, went from 2k+ a year for heat and hot water to 30-35 bucks a month. Gas company has been out twice to check my/their meter. I just show them my wood pellet stove. And smile.:)
Mine's been hovering around $100 for the last couple months, and will probably continue to do that. May's bill was just $50some, it's been uphill from there ever since. Louisville's energy is cheap, or my apartment building is rather efficient.

I try to keep all of my stuff off when I'm gone for the day, but the heat these days makes it take an incredibly long time for it to cool the apartment down if I leave the A/C off for too long, so I typically set it to 75 when I leave and it's not too bad when I get home and set it to my usual 68.
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