Just When You Thought You've Heard It All...

After reading this article, at this time I am speechless. I will let the contents settle in for a little while, and maybe I will have something to say about it later today. :huh:
I feel the two sisters are going over board with this! I could see if the attendent said the N word in the rhyme, but she did not! (I too was older when I frist heard the n-word in the rhyme. I knew it as tiger) Southwest is a more 'laid back" airline(ie they wear shorts, tell jokes during the safety stuff) and I feel this is just a cute way to say "pick a seat and we will get going"
I also feel this type of suit just makes it harder on the pople that have a REAL issue racism. (like crying wolf)
Just my thoughts! Not intended to cause hard feeling with anyone.
You said it all Fergy...just two more by-products of our idiotic society.

True idiots.

[And no offense to anyone at all of course.No one.Not anyone.]

[I just hope no one at all is offended.]

[Not anyone.]

[Because no offense was meant.] :huh:
I'm offended simply because this makes me out to be ignorant!! I had NO idea that was ever a racist slogan. (can I sue these two sisters for making me feel ignorant??) I NEVER heard it used with the "N" word. It was ALWAYS with the word tiger. I'm older than the flight attendant so I don't doubt one bit that she was as out of the loop as I was. Judges that allow lawsuits like this should be dismissed from the bench! It's the judges out there that allow the worthless, frivilous lawsuits that EVERYONE but the minority of people that file them seem to abhor.

as a disclaimer, I know there are people out there that don't interpret "tongue in cheek" stuff very well, so for those of you that might misunderstand me.... I'm not really offended. I was being sarcastic.

Have a nice day!! ;)
(and watch what you say)
Another point: As a southerner,I have not met many tigers.

However:I feel that many members of the cat---that is feline---family,could in THEORY, be very offended by the inclusion of 'Tiger' in the old saying.

The reasoning could be that [again in THEORY] a creature,upon hearing the ryhme,become enticed to find the nearest tiger......and attempt to 'catch' it.

While we non-tigers find this amusing...think of the potential for ' stress induced damage'..in young tigers.

And it is our duty as moral creatures,to protect all young tigers from this insensitive brutality!

So I am personally rather saddend to see MORE than one forum comrade admit to using the term.

Please respect the rights of all,ok? :kattails:
I think these two women should have to pay the court costs when it rightfully gets thrown out of court.
Originally posted by majestyx@Feb 13 2003, 10:38 AM
After reading this article, at this time I am speechless. I will let the contents settle in for a little while, and maybe I will have something to say about it later today. :huh:
I'm with ya. :huh:
Originally posted by paul@Feb 13 2003, 07:03 PM
Howdy PG, Newman's having a time with that Dudge huh?
Safe to say that Sun was not a shining moment for the Newman Camp.

Also, in light of 97's perception, I say we get PETA involved in this
The way this legal system is . They will quite likely walk away with millions. This country has gone sue crazy.
Originally posted by 97forever@Feb 13 2003, 07:06 PM
Another point: As a southerner,I have not met many tigers.

However:I feel that many members of the cat---that is feline---family,could in THEORY, be very offended  by the inclusion of 'Tiger' in the  old saying.

The reasoning could be that [again in THEORY] a creature,upon hearing the ryhme,become enticed to find the nearest tiger......and attempt to 'catch' it.

While we non-tigers find this amusing...think of the potential for ' stress induced damage'..in young tigers.

And it is our duty as moral creatures,to protect all young tigers from this insensitive brutality!

So I am personally rather saddend to see MORE than one forum comrade admit to using the term.

Please respect the rights of all,ok? :kattails:
Haaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaa I got soda comin outta my nose from laughing! :lol2:
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