Kat's Cat Haiku


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will sure show you.

You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail!
Behold, elevator butt.

Blur of motion, then
silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?

Terrible battle.
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What's a 'term paper'?

Kitty likes plastic
Confuses for litter box
Don't leave tarp around

Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner

Wanna go outside.
Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!

The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
Time for "Cup Hockey"

We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Yeh, still having problems, but Paul is trying to help.

CB, loved it! and TRL now that it's gotten cold and wet here my Madge does the same thing. EVERY 10 minutes, she wants to go out then is back within 2 minutes just looking pathetic thru the glass deck door.
Well, I am getting SOME excercise:)
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