Kennedy Has Malignant Brain Tumor




Kennedy has malignant tumor

Sen. Edward Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor. The hospital treating Kennedy released a statement today saying that the tumor was found during tests after the senator had a seizure Saturday. The tumor is in his left parietal lobe. Full story soon
I agree with Buck, TRL, and K-log. I dont agree with him, but i do not wish him any harm. Thoughts and Prayers.
I agree with you guys. He is some one's family and this is a family that has had lots of tragedies through the years.
He is someone's son, brother, dad, grandfather, or uncle.
Prayers for his family.

Agreed. Though he is almost 180 degrees from my ideology, he's still an American human being and he will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Buck, I'll echo your sentiments. He is a human being with a family and will be in my prayers. He has a very tough road ahead.

I agree with Buck, TRL, and K-log. I dont agree with him, but i do not wish him any harm. Thoughts and Prayers.

I agree with you guys. He is some one's family and this is a family that has had lots of tragedies through the years.
Mary Jo Kopechne's family shares your prayers. :rolleyes:

My prayers with his family during this difficult time. Him, on the other hand, well, my give a damn meter must be broke. :eek:
Andy he is a human. You are not GOD and you shouldn't be judging him. I don't care what anybody has done they don't deserve the torture of cancer it is a mean vicious beast.
I never said he deserved cancer nor am I judging him.

Andy he is a human. You are not GOD and you shouldn't be judging him. I don't care what anybody has done they don't deserve the torture of cancer it is a mean vicious beast.
It's a good thing I'm not god.

I never judged him nor did I wish this upon him. In fact, my exact words were:

I don't have anything nice to say, so I won't say anything. :)

dang that Kennedy curse has struck again, they surely have been made to pay for whatever it was they did...
Whether you agree with them or not, that family has seen more tragedy than one can imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Did more reading this morning about his condition and it seems that he has the worst type of brain cancer. Of course, all of this is speculation from those who know the dicease, based on what they hear the doctors say. From their perspective, they say that given what they've heard, he probably has less than a year to live. But there are of course exceptions.
Mary Jo Kopechne had no comment...

I have no comment either. ;)

If someone else wants to say it, I'm not going to discourage them. But, I know what you people will think of me if I say what I've got to say. ;)
I don't wish cancer on anybody. It is a horrible way to die. That being said, Ted Kennedy has caused many people a great deal of hardships, beginning but certainly not ending with Mary Jo Kopechne.

He is the worst kind of hypocrit out there. His drunk driving has killed more people than my gun has and yet he has done more to deny me and others our constitutional right to bear arms than almost anybody. If any of us would have done what he did that night, I can guarantee you that we would have done serious jail time. Not only did his family's power and influence buy his freedom, but he has been in a position to dictate national policy for years and years. And what kind of a man would have let her drown and save himself in the first place?

Ted Kennedy is a drunken, selfish, spoiled rich piece of crap and no amount of disease or tragedy will ever change that.
Ted Kennedy is a drunken, selfish, spoiled rich piece of crap and no amount of disease or tragedy will ever change that.

I think that maybe you are misnamed...

be·nev·o·lent 1. characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings: a benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile.
2. desiring to help others; charitable: gifts from several benevolent alumni.
3. intended for benefits rather than profit: a benevolent institution.

[Origin: 1425–75; late ME < L benevolent- (s. of benevoléns) kindhearted

Judge not , lest ye be judged
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