Kids crack me up.

NC HillBilly

Back home where I belong
Mar 3, 2011
I was at my friend's place one evening around supper time. He has two boys who were 6 and 2 years old at the time, the oldest was eating his supper in the living room with us.

There was something on his plate he didn't like, I can't recall exactly what but it was probably greens or some other food kids typically won't eat unless forced to. He picks at it for awhile then gets up to throw the food on his plate away.

My friend starts in on him with the old routine of "there are starving kids in Africa, you'd better not waste that food!". This goes on for a bit and his son finally gives up and takes a few bites. He obviously hates the taste and continues to pick at his plate.

A few minutes go by and we've stopped paying attention to him again. We're in the middle of a conversation about nothing when the kid speaks up.

Kid: "Dad, this tastes bad"
Dad: "Well you'd better eat it, we don't waste food in this house"
Kid: "Lets just give it to Africa"

Probably not the exact words but it went something like that. Anyway we all started laughing so much that there was no way my buddy could go on lecturing his son with a straight face. They let him leave without finishing his plate and later on he got ice cream.
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