Kids today have it easy



When I was a kid, I got my butt beat and I actually had to do things called chores. When I was asked to do something, I wasn't actually being asked as much as being told. For example, if I was asked to get the mail and I said no, I would be waiting in my room until my dad got home and then when I could walk again, I would go and get the mail. My mom never made me anything special to eat just because I didn't like what we were having. When I had appendicites, I had to cut the grass before my mom would take me to the hospital. Our paddle was 1*4 with a a bunch of tiny holes drilled in it with a leather handle so the user could get an easy comfortable grip. I had to take resposibility for my actions. Just does not seem to be the case anymore. Not saying beat your kids but I am saying teach the to respect other people and there belongings.
Racerx11, I totally agree with you! I don't spank my daughter often, but she can tell you when and why she got spanked last. Too many kids these days have parents the are too busy to care enough to discipline their kids. It takes too much effort to teach kids right from wrong and you might actually have to spend time with them.

Did something happened that you needed to get this off your chest?
I think parants are to lite on there kids now, thats y the kids today are more likly to do drugs, get in troble, and be bad kids that 30 years ago...
hmmm...I disagree kinda...well I'm going to sit on the fence I think.

There have always been people who break the law...get into trouble etc always in each and every generation...And of course because the population of the world gets bigger and bigger...the percentage of 'trouble makers' grows...

I'm also sure there are more people in this younger generation going to college to become lawyers, doctors etc...

Keep in mind, with the population growing at a huge rate there are more and more poor people who (for whatever reason or mistake) have heaps of kids and in this day and age it's much harder to bring up kids in a poor life style. There use to be a time when communities looked out for each other, yet these days it's dog eat dog even if you have kids.

Kids are born it's the generation before this young generation that should be looked at closely....they are the ones bringing up these kids and molding them...Can't blame kids!!
Tiger...I don't think anyone is blaming the kids. It is their upbringing, or more specifically their lack thereof! Many parents nowadays don't want to make the effort to raise kids correctly.
I have three kids and I am going to college, they are ages 2, 4 and 8. The wife and I have been complimented on our kids good behavior in restaraunts and out in public. Older people have actually come up to us after eating their meal and told us what good parents we are. Its all about their upbringing and how the parents discipline. My kids know if they act up their is a potential for a spanking, I rarely have to do it.
Originally posted by DeeDee@Feb 4 2003, 01:52 PM
Racerx11, I totally agree with you! I don't spank my daughter often, but she can tell you when and why she got spanked last. Too many kids these days have parents the are too busy to care enough to discipline their kids. It takes too much effort to teach kids right from wrong and you might actually have to spend time with them.

Did something happened that you needed to get this off your chest?
Nothing inparticular. Just been building up for along time. I agree that you have to do things with your kids besides watch TV and play vidio games. You have to include them in your activities as well as dicipline them.
Originally posted by coonhound@Feb 5 2003, 08:16 AM
Its all about their upbringing and how the parents discipline.  My kids know if they act up their is a potential for a spanking, I rarely have to do it.
It is the same way with my daughter, I don't have to spank her often, I feel that is because she KNOWS I WILL if she does something she is not supposed to. Parents threaten a lot these days and don't follow through.
I'm sick of the generalizations of everything and everyone, its not just this either its everywhere It has just gone to a whole new level. As for the topic I agree with you that kids have more freedoms today ( they have it easeir), but thats not always a bad thing. As for drugs and such I would have to look it up, but I would asume most drug users were young in the past aswell its the same with today,but the population has risen so has the amount of users. I'm sure there are several other factors to add in aswell.
Originally posted by Tiger@Feb 5 2003, 06:51 AM
Kids are born it's the generation before this young generation that should be looked at closely....they are the ones bringing up these kids and molding them...Can't blame kids!!
Tiger, you are very wise for you age. So right you are about the generation bringing up the children. I have always been ashamed of my own generation for doing what we did to society. And yes, it is us who have allowed our children to be the way they are. Dr. Spock sure changed things. <_<
Originally posted by Lap3Forever@Feb 6 2003, 07:52 PM
i was whooped by a pro. :unsure:
The real question for you Lappy is can you sit down? :) My mom used to use a flyswatter on me! Ouch!
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