Kobe Bryant was formally charged with Sexual Assault today (7-18-03) in Colorado. He had a tearful press conference with his wife by his side. He said he did the deed with the receptionist at the spa he was at getting knee surgery. But, he said she wanted it. As near as I can figure it, this was about the time his wife was laid up having their first child. Doesn't say much for his character does it?
If it was really rape, wouldn't she have reported it immediately? Or was she trying to blackmail him first? Something doesn't seem credible here, but we will never know the truth. The only ones who do know the truth are Kobe and her. No matter how this turns out, Kobe's image is trashed. I can't see sponsors lining up to put his face on their commercials or other ads any time soon. His marraige is obviously not off to a very good start either. Even if she can forgive him, she will never be able to forget it, nor should she. Trust is the most important thing you can have in your spouse and he just threw that out the window for a few minutes of pleasure.
What a shame
If it was really rape, wouldn't she have reported it immediately? Or was she trying to blackmail him first? Something doesn't seem credible here, but we will never know the truth. The only ones who do know the truth are Kobe and her. No matter how this turns out, Kobe's image is trashed. I can't see sponsors lining up to put his face on their commercials or other ads any time soon. His marraige is obviously not off to a very good start either. Even if she can forgive him, she will never be able to forget it, nor should she. Trust is the most important thing you can have in your spouse and he just threw that out the window for a few minutes of pleasure.
What a shame