Krista Voda Hired By Fox, SPEED

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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
Krista Voda Signs With SPEED and Fox Sports
SPEED has signed veteran sports journalist Krista Voda to a multi-year deal that will include hosting the network's pre-race show for all of the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series races in 2007. Voda also recently signed with FOX Sports as a pit reporter for their NASCAR Nextel Cup Series races in '07.

"Krista is a tremendous talent with great passion for her work," said Frank Wilson, SPEED VP of Production. "She understands racing, knows the players, and has a great deal of experience and credibility covering NASCAR and all forms of racing."

Voda began her work in NASCAR for FOX Sports and SPEED in 2002 as a reporter and host for Totally NASCAR. Over the last several years, Voda has worked on multiple programs for both networks, including SPEED's coverage of the popular Amp'd Mobile AMA Supercross Series.

"The competitors, their families, and everyone involved with the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series welcomed me with open arms last year and I'm honored to be back," Voda said. "I'm also excited that the pre-race show, which was introduced last fall, will be returning for the full 2007 season and beyond. All of us who cover trucks believe the series produces the best racing …and that the racing is done by some of the sport's most interesting and most genuine people."(FOX Sports)
"SPEED has signed veteran sports journalist Krista Voda" What the %@#$ They have to be kidding with the veteran stuff less then a handful of years ago she was doing weekends on some hillbilly radio station in Kentucky .

Great just what we need another empty headed boob that has no clue about the sport on the TV . Speed just keeps going down hill like a snowball headed for hell . Why not just get Paris Hylton with no panties on to do the show .
Yeah, nothing like keeping NASCAR an all white male sport is it? How dare these women and non-whites try to push their way into your sport.

And, I'll stop there. I'd hate for this to go another 58 pages of why I am racist for thinking it's a good thing for the sport to be opened up to anyone.
BP how the hell do you extrapolate " nothing like keeping NASCAR an all white male sport is it? How dare these women and non-whites try to push their way into your sport" from what I said the fact that Krista Voda is a chuckle head that has no idea about not only racing but anything mechanical .

Did you happen to catch Kristas act this past season doing the AMA Supercross ? it was down right embarrassing . You obviously feel that due to the lack of females and persons of color in the sport that the bar should be ridiculously lowered to allow people that have no clue about NASCAR to become part of the broadcast team . When I turn on the NFL pregame show I do not see people that have little or no basic knowledge of football doing analysis of the game . When they do have non expert people they are doing the weather for the game or fluff pieces . If they want to have Krista Voda on these shows let her interview Biffles dogs or something because it makes me want to puke when I have to hear her discuss chassi set ups and the like when I am betting she could not boost a car battery if I popped the hood and conected the negative lead for her.

I think Wendy Venturini is very good on these shows because she has a strong back ground in the sport and has been around the cars her whole life ,

If you want to watch NASCAR for dummies thats up to you but I dont see the humor in things like the other chuckle head they had on there Genie Zalasco (sp) telling me that Jeff Gordon is going to switch to his back up motor when his ignition was starting to fail late in a race .

There are plenty of race savy females out there that could do the job Debra Renshaw , Tina Gordon , Kim Crosby , Shawna Robinson etc etc but they dont hire them you know why because they are not looking for intelligent females they are looking for cutesie females and that should offend you more .

For the third and final time I will repeat I do not think you are a racist but if you insist on playing the victim card I will feed that dog .
I like her. She's one of the better ones. Saw her on Supercross too. She's OK.
Prefer her to many others who ask stupid questions. Including many 'real' veterans.

Multi and I will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Hey Multi... I was taught to connect the positive cable first.. I was told to disconnect the negative first and connect it last...but what do I know!:rolleyes:
Tou GO Betsy!

I happen to like Krista, and I believe Wendy is employed by another network.

Multi.......BOOB???? Yep she has two, and your problem is?
This is what MultiMatic PM'd me:

You have to be a kid that has no idea what is going on

No we do not agree to disagree I am sorry to say you are the first person I have ever blocked on a message board .

You are whats wrong with the new fan base in NASCAR you are what my father called a nincompoop .

C ya wouldnt want to be ya

It is so funny that you bring up the NFL. They more than anyone has the "boob" reporter on the sideline bringing us breaking news. I would equate this with a pit reporter. I've seen Krista in several venues and she does a credible job.
As to the victim angle it just seems to me that you are constantly putting down whole classes of people because they don't meet your expectations. Well in this case Krista meets Fox and Speeds and they're the ones picking up the tab.
But, ok, I'll give it a rest...
It is so funny that you bring up the NFL. They more than anyone has the "boob" reporter on the sideline bringing us breaking news. I would equate this with a pit reporter. I've seen Krista in several venues and she does a credible job.
As to the victim angle it just seems to me that you are constantly putting down whole classes of people because they don't meet your expectations. Well in this case Krista meets Fox and Speeds and they're the ones picking up the tab.
But, ok, I'll give it a rest...

What I said was " When I turn on the NFL pregame show I do not see people that have little or no basic knowledge of football doing analysis of the game "

I do not know what boob on the NFL broadcast you are refering to and what type of breaking news they are delivering perhaps you could be a little more specific . The only boob I see on the pregame shows is the bimbo that does the weather, if Voda just wants to do the weather I have no problem with that but when she starts talking about dropping the pan hard bar most people relize she couldnt tell you what a pan hard bar looks like if she was sucking on the end of one. I notice on the last Supercross broadcast they have reduced her down to annoucing birthdays at the begining and in her interview with the winner her first question was "are you tired " The guy had just finished a 20 lap moto in what is the second most phisically demanding sport in the world , he has sweat rolling off his head and is panting for air and this is the question she thinks people need to know the answer to. unfreekin real .

I dont know what venues you have seen Voda do a credible job because I have never seen her be anything other then a talking head that has spouted the lines someone has fed her or ask stupid questions of her own .

I did notice you avoided repling to the fact the network would rather have a ditzie blonde that knows nothing about the sport rather then any of the knowledgeable females that I mentioned which I would think most intelligent women would find offensive.

You say "As to the victim angle it just seems to me that you are constantly putting down whole classes of people. Now if your just going to start making $%@# up its going to be impossible to have a reasoned discussion with you . Let me remind you of this little gem you put out there.

" How many times have you seen Lester put into the wall for no apparent reason. Especially when he's trying to run Top 10.
There seems to be an attitude against minority drivers" Quote Barelypure.

Nothing like painting a bunch of drivers with the old racist brush is ther BP ?
What made it even worst was when I listed the drivers that had been in wrecks with Lester you could not even name one that had ever wrecked him because of predjustice .Now you would like to slime me with putting down whole classes of people with not one shred of evidence of me ever doing that

Sorry BP but throwing mud at me is not going to make you look any better .
Sorry BP but throwing mud at me is not going to make you look any better .

And, you throwing it right back doesn't make you look any better either.

You both can either play nice or I'll lock the thread and put you BOTH in the Corner.

Enough is enough.
Good answer Maj! If you hadn't said, I would have.

BTW bump, it's unethical to post a PM that was intended for your eyes only, no matter who sent it.
I just wanted everyone, if they didn't know already, see what a turkey that guy is. If you dare to disagree with him, god help you. :eek:
Good answer Maj! If you hadn't said, I would have.

BTW bump, it's unethical to post a PM that was intended for your eyes only, no matter who sent it.

Kat Are you saying it is ratting out the sender? So if a guy is sending malicious pm's to everyone here...everyone knows but nobody speaks of it? I think you somehow got on the wrong track about that particular message.

My idea of the PM is to pass secret messages between WILLING parties. If one party is UNwilling then the message is HIS to post anywhere he pleases..
Try and rethink your above position.
Betsy :rolleyes:
Kat Are you saying it is ratting out the sender? So if a guy is sending malicious pm's to everyone here...everyone knows but nobody speaks of it? I think you somehow got on the wrong track about that particular message.

My idea of the PM is to pass secret messages between WILLING parties. If one party is UNwilling then the message is HIS to post anywhere he pleases..
Try and rethink your above position.
Betsy :rolleyes:

Kat was very clear on what she said its "unethical" not ratting as you said .
I am surprised I have to explain this to someone that claims to have made over a million dollars a year but if you get a malicious PM you report it to a mod or the admin for them to act on .

Now I know why someone told you to always hook up the positive cable first when boosting a car , they did not think you were capable of connecting the negative first with out dragging the positive across the fender causing a short. .
It's awful early

to start drinking MM... I'll catch up with you later today.
BTW who was it that pulled your chain?
Perhaps I can save this thread from the idiocy of those that would reduce it to Coors beer commercial references and "are you drinking early " slams that have run out of any valid points or intelligent replies .

I think there are several women that could do a great job on SPEED . Shawna Robinson comes to mind as this is a woman that not only has raced in Busch and Cup but has a strong back ground in what takes to win . Allot of people do not know that Shawna was the points champion in the AC Delco big rig series and has a strong mechanical back ground . Another woman I think could give some insight is Beth Ann Morganthau. , I would love to see a weekly segment with her , she maybe the smartest woman I have ever met in racing and has great insight on what it takes to run a team .

Maybe others here would like to suggest women of intelligence that would make great broadcasters ?
I haven't seen her on TV, so I can't say whether she's there for eye candy or not. But regardless, she has to be an improvement over Jeanie Zelasko.
This thread has degenerated to the point that I AM going to lock it!
Personal attacks against each other are juvinile and against the rules. You want to bitch about it? PM me.
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