Kubica Injured in Andorra Rally

Holy :eek:

Are those left or right hand drive? Amazing his navigator wasn't hurt, and he was hurt so severely. Absolutely nothing left of the front of that car.
damn :( hope robert comes through the surgeries ok without any permanent damage.
Holy :eek:

Are those left or right hand drive? Amazing his navigator wasn't hurt, and he was hurt so severely. Absolutely nothing left of the front of that car.
Since it was in Andorra I assume the cars were LHD (America side).
damn :( hope robert comes through the surgeries ok without any permanent damage.
I read an article this morning that they did a 7 ½ hour operation to reconstruct his right hand.
However, Professor Mario Igor Rossello, a specialist surgeon involved in the seven-and-a-half-hour operation to reconstruct Kubica's hand, warned last night that it was too early to accurately assess the long-term implications of his injuries.

As I see it, something that isn't being said is that this is the second time he's had this right hand reconstructed, as he had another very serious accident back in...? 2002 or 2003.

I wonder who Mercedes will replace him with? Grosjean or Senna? I think Grosjean would be the better pick but I think that they will go with Senna.
sounds like the engine and transmission went the only place there is to go, in a head-on collision, if indeed it was LHS...considering it was his entire right side with injuries. And it seems to have been near a corner, so his hand would have been on the shifter....
damn, that guard rail went right through the car. what's this about him hitting a church wall? is that what they call guard rails in europe?
damn, that guard rail went right through the car. what's this about him hitting a church wall? is that what they call guard rails in europe?
From the pictures I've seen I believe that the only thing he hit was the guard rail. From what I saw it appeared all the buildings had just been passed and he was on an elevated highway which was build 3-4 feet above the local city road. I don't see where a church or any other building was involved. But, those metal guard rails are common all over Europe. I've been all through that part of Europe and metal guard rails are a fairly recent addition. Usually they just use boulders, carved blocks of stone or just nothing. Believe it of not, that road he was running on is, I believe, one of the principle highways in Andorra. In the mountain areas of Catalunya, Andorra and SW France, about the only roads paved as well as that one is, are the major thoroughfares, unless it's improved much since 1990.
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