12 & 17 FAN
I just read what Kyle Petty had to say about the Talladega finish. I know this may step on some toes but im at the point where Kyle Petty is just starting to piss me off. I know the man means well and has been dealt a terrible hand in life with Adams death and all, but please somebody tell this man to get off of Dale Jr. Every article that i have read where they just so happen to interview Kyle he says something to the effect of or at Dale Jr. and it is always very negative in some way or another. He may not come out and say his name exactly but the majority of the time he has directed it towards Jr. He has been in Nascar racing long enough to know or should i say been in Nascar too long, that the fans were not pissed off at Dega because Gordon won--- but because they ended the race under caution. So in my own personal opinion I think Kyle Petty should be pissed off at Nascar for taking to long to figure out the scoring and then ending the race under caution.----------------Im not bashing just stating an opinion