I'm also excited about this paint job. We've seen this paint job on a couple of different cars. Kenny Schrader did it right after Sept. 11 last year, but for the 71,000 employees that work for Georgia Pacific and for the home products that Georgia Pacific represents, I think this sends a message in their 75th year of business that this is an American company that believes in American values just like the Petty family believes in American values. We hope this portrays that. It's going to be a little bit brighter than this. We had to hurry up and get something done, so we wrapped it. It's most decals, but when we get it done it's going to be brighter than this. I'm extremely excited and extremely proud to be associated with Georgia Pacific and look forward to putting one of these things in victory lane."
I got this from a kyle board and its from a person at G-P
If you look at the TV panales behind the back tire there is a black and red box that looks like a covered up sponcer that proably has not been announced yet, Sprint possibly