


How is the girl patrol going???????//
any luck?

:) :) :beerchug: :daisy: :dunce:
no luck. but i will take one of them beers up there as long as it's a bud light. lol :p . i like a few but dont stand a chance with them
well it will happen when you least expect it...don't go hunting for it.............stuff like that doesn't last.........girls are a dime a dozen...some all they are looking for is a meal ticket or away from home.............
when you do meet her, you will know she is the right one...........don't rush it.........your still young and you still have a lot of filly's to persue...........

no bud here tonight, drinking bacardi silver right now.........

bacardi silver hell it will work

i have a felling that she is the right one. but everone thinks i am a jackass for belive that she is
well you know, stop believing what everybody tells you and go with your heart..........if you listen to everybody, then you might have lost the love of your life...thats the chance you have to take.............:)
and yes bacardi silver is working...boy is it ever...pretty good stuff.......................:D
she has been hurt badly. and has gave the same b/f 3 chances. i just dont know. i would do anything for her. i have been weighting for her since feb. and it is starting to hurt
well, if you really like/love her it will happen..she just dosen't realize it yet.........she has been hurt and is afraid to venture forward into another realtionship..........don't rush old is she? relationships take a lot of work.........they just don't happen overnight.........if it is real then it will last..........
like they say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet the prince.............
and looks like your the prince and she will eventually find her way to you............
she is 17. will be 18 Aug 22. i will be 17 Aug 19.

and i relly love her. with all my heart. she is my best friend right now. i just hope your right i want it to happand and work. i know i am young but i want to speed my life with her guys are pretty young.............your gonna fall in and out of love A LOT............but if it is real it will last............I hope it does for many relationships end..because the girl/guy gets bored, they want more out of it..........thats why it is not wise to get married to, date a lot of girls before you settle down with the one you think is the one for will save you a lot of heartache........I know i am preaching right now, i have seen to many young people think they are in love, they get married, they play house and then all of a sudden, the WIFE GETS BORED..........she starts messing around with other guys while her hubby is working, he is clueless or vice versa............
so make friends awhile...**** even live with her............then if it doesn't work out.........well you both learned a valuble lesson in i said it takes a lot of hard work to make it work out.........
men are visuale creatures.........they look for looks.........woman are more romantics..they look for the romance.......they like to be wined and dined, like flowers, gifts etc.............
so just take it slow..............don't get hurt anymore then you are now........:)
ouch i dont agree with living together first--even statistics show that they end in divorce more often-besides i dotn believe in pre-marital sex neways

i dont go for looks. i go that she has a killer personalty and it a christain. and likes/loves the outdoors. thats why i like Kerrie so mutch.......i would love to give my g/f flowers and stuff on V-day but never had a g/f on that day........i know more girls that go for looks then guys.........i just have relly never had a real g/f........they all leave me a few weeks in to going out........i don't lie, cheat, play, miss with, or hurt a girl in anyway or do anything to her heart...........i will try not to be hurt anymore.but i know i will be hurt badly all ways happands....i just wish i hand a hand to hold or a neck to hug right now. i am relly down.:(
well don't get have a lot to offer the right young lady when you do find her...........and she will be one lucky young girl............and maybe Kerrie will see that in you..........see what a nice young gentleman you are............

and i am not condoning living together..............not condoning having sex...never mentioned that, none of my business.....not gonna preach to someone what to do or not to do..........
and yes you can live with a person platonically.........
and if you wait for marriage that is fine........ will happen will have a girlfriend seem like a real nice young man, very smart, and very nice to those are good assets..........i think any girl would be proud to have you as a boyfriend..someday...............
is this a pity party? am i invited? as a strong willed person, i am not the one to complain, lappy if u werent looking for a girl maybe you would focus on things you want in life, realize the opposite gender is not that important right now, and eventually when u grow as a person, u will find the right person. it took me a long time to figure that out and your gonna probaly have to learn the hard way that im right.:)
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