

#84 NVRA

There were several calls made, mostly in the Cadet division that weren't consistent. In a heat the outside poll man hit the wall and caused a caution on the start, he was given the position back for restart. Next heat a car caused a caution on the start but was put to the back for restart. During the Feature the #96, that was 2nd in his heat, was placed in the 7th position to start. There were also several starts that were recalled for no apparent reason.

It was obvious the Flagman wasn't making these calls, because he always looked back to the tower for guidance on each of these calls.

And what the heck has happened to the Red Rocket, where was he?
What can ya say ITS LAURENS!!!!! Thats about all the explanation you need!!!

Love always,
Daisy aka Dixieracer2002
Hey 84, not sure about some of the calls, but the cadet rules state "15in diamond back tires only" The 96 car had American Racers. He was put at the back of all the cars in his heat , where as I thought he should have put at the back of the field. But you know Laurens officiating . I don't think Fred lets the flagman have control at all. Also think the flagman should control the start of the race initally.
( double file starts ) Leader to determine restarts (single file) after he passes the pole in turn 3. That's the way it was done many, many years ago when I was racing, and also later when I did some flagging for a short while. Just guess I'm a firm beleiver that flagman should have total control.
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