Honest question here: Why is the word Liberal hated so much on this board? It seems to me if your a liberal your not evil or anything Are many people Republicans or what? Just curious.
Originally posted by paul
Also, using email and the internet is not a right, it's a privlege.
Originally posted by kat2220
Gopher, I think that it really has nothing to do with politics.
I am Liberal on some issues, Conservative on some, and don't give a damn about some others. Like TRL said, those who take and misuse our Tax money (like $600 for a toilet seat).
Originally posted by judas1
Awesome Ward, and 4x you were on a roll man. why did you stop the mo.?
Thanks judas1...I was afraid my roll would step too hard on a few toes.
Have any of you ever heard this quote? "If you are under 30 years old and are not a liberal, you have no heart. But, if you are over 30 and are a liberal, you have no brain". I don't remember who said it, but it has a lot of truth to it. Except I never considered myself heartless but I'm sure some people would have.
or tags.
If you do...your post will be all malformed like 4x's above.
Originally posted by paul
Friendly tip...
When quoting someone...don't delete any of theThanks for the tip Paul. I hate being "malformed"or tags.
If you do...your post will be all malformed like 4x's above.
While I am not real ammused with Bush's failure to serve in the military, I think the similarities end there. I have to plead ignorance on the charge of him stealing money because I really have no clue as to what you are talking about. There is no way Bush would ever be caught doing the morally reprehensible, profesionally unforgivable, and blatantly illegal things Clinton has been guilty of. No way could I see Bush risking the integrity of the highest office in the land for a 5 minute hummer from some corn-fed cow of an intern. Or lying to the grand jury, or...Originally posted by mngopherguy
1. What Bush got away with was after the elcetion, was it not? (honestly not sure it is 5:45 am) So you could have voted him in, and now say he is a theif. I understand defending him, if you truley believe it. I still think alot of people will defens him because he's republican and thats what they vote. Again, not pointing any fingers at anyone particular on the board.
2. Difference between Clinton and Bush? They both are theives who stole money, and they both found ways to stay out of a war, only to send other men to war. To me their one in the same.