Local car counts



Last year there 34 pro stocks [aka super late models elsewhere] some raced only 2 or 3 times all season. 6 are for sale, 2 are going to Thompson. 24 late models on last years roster, only 13 raced weekly and only missed 1 or 2 shows, most missed more than half. 29 trucks, down from 58 a few years ago.

Couple of years ago the track required a medical bracelet for all drivers and crews along with people in the pits. $49.95 at the track office after submitting all your med info to them. Then the great scanner debate, only scanners no 2 way radios. Then after everyone bought scanners, again only "approved" scanners, availible at the track office they decided radios would be the way to go, also only "approved radios" which are availible at the track office. Transponders! Gotta have one in the top divisions. By now you know where to buy the approved ones,,at the track office of course.
Too bad the track didn't buy the other half that records the info. About as useful as duct taping your old SONY walkman to the frame.

Don't buy gas at the track? 25 pound weight penalty is being tossed around.

And they wonder why racers are throwing in the towel, either quitting all together or going to other tracks.
Too bad....they need to get their Nascar sanction back, then get their act together. That track could be a really good place to race if managed correctly.
They'll never get their act together. I've talked to guys who raced in the 50's and 60's who tell the same stories of the blatant favoritism that continues to this day. My last name ends in a vowel but I don't know all the words to "O solo mio" therefore I lost every appeal. I am not throwing a insult to Italians but that's the way it is when dealing with the Venditti family who owns the track.

I sold a carb Barry Grant "adjusted", yeah that's the ticketed "adjusted".:growl: ,to a guy after it failed pre-season inspection. His last name ended in a vowel and he knew the words and <poof> it passed tech for him.

When he was protested after a win <double poof> it passed again!

No car on any track that's competitive is 100% legal per the rules, IMHO of course. But when it's known the car is illegal and tech does nothing it p*sses me off.

That's why I like the Conn tracks, no bull poopie.
The car counts at local tracks around here really dropped this season. One track mostly where they used to have around 20 Super Late Models and this season they had around 5. It's just a combination of the track owner playing favorites and refusing to change his ways even though they clearly aren't working.
ODS car counts went up because of bigger races.

New rules making the wheelbase standard 10" instead of 8" and a better Hoosier compound will improve the racing and bring more teams to Manassas. Max Papis is showing up a lot as well.
This past season at BGS had bigger car counts for all series which was very surprising. My friend who owns a couple of mods told me that the cost keeps going up and he is about to sell. We had three or four new mods, a boat load of new limited late models and street stockers and the number of four cylinder cars continues to grow. It's going to be interesting to see how the new season stacks up with teams, old and new.
This past season at BGS had bigger car counts for all series which was very surprising. My friend who owns a couple of mods told me that the cost keeps going up and he is about to sell. We had three or four new mods, a boat load of new limited late models and street stockers and the number of four cylinder cars continues to grow. It's going to be interesting to see how the new season stacks up with teams, old and new.

Now that ODS has 10" wheelbase, I expect huge car counts. A lot of teams know it would be better to go to the closer track in Manassas where they have a better shot at winning than going to Motor Mile where a winning ODS car won't finish in the top 20.
Ive never understood some of the rules at the local asphalt tracks. The locked down engine rules make no sense and the rules of having to buy fuel and tires at the track every week seems like BS. They should just open it up like the dirt late models are. People say they should not cause it would drive the cost up, but i know what some guys are spending to get around the rules now and it would probably be the same either way.
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