Look who I ran into at the Dega Short Track...



Kenny raced at the Short Track Friday night, he won the match race between Red Farmer, himself, Kenny Wallace, and Frank Kimmel. It's the first time I've ever seen him win anything that wasn't a replay. One of the driver's wives that I'm friends with took me to the pits to see him. He saw my Schrader sweatshirt, I let him sign my Schrader Racing shirt that I was wearing underneath it, and if he didn't think I already had enough Schrader stuff on, he gave me a new Schrader Racing and signed it too. Sorry about the crappy picture quality, but my scanner doesn't like me right now, lol. I've got the goofiest lookin face goin on, but I guess thats what breathing too much dirt will do to you. Probably what's wrong with Kenny :lol:

Originally posted by 97forever@Oct 4 2004, 09:56 PM
Very cool pics turtle! Uh..even if Schrader is in 'em!! :p :lol: :lol:

Congrats!! :cheers:
:youlikethat: :p
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