Lookin' for a job?

Be under 40 years of age...well that leaves me out.

After 3 years of service you could be making $70+K per year. Not bad. Now if I were a young man living in the Socialist State or Murderland and my supervisor had it out for me I might give this a thought...<hint><hint>
lol - might even get some ballooning in courtesy of the border patrol. i was on temporary duty at ft huachuca, az some years back and kept seeing balloons overhead. turns out it was the border patrol. <g>
Be under 40 years of age...well that leaves me out.

After 3 years of service you could be making $70+K per year. Not bad. Now if I were a young man living in the Socialist State or Murderland and my supervisor had it out for me I might give this a thought...<hint><hint>
I do not think that I would want andy in the same state as i live in!!!
I do not think that I would want andy in the same state as i live in!!!

Andy? Oh, did you think I was talking about Andy?


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