looking for a new camera


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Mag, there are several camera stores on ebay that have some great values and they usually come with more than what you can get at the camera store. Check them out.
I bought my camera on e-bay several years ago and have never had any trouble with it.
I've logged 22,000 some odd photos on the Powershot A610, looking for a new, more modern camera.

Right now i'm looking at a Canon XS10 IS. I need one with the multi-flip screen, so i can shoot from the pavement and over my head. ISO 800 is a must and 1600 is nice to have, for low light (night races). Budget is about $400.


Add an extra couple hundred dollars and go all out.


Add an extra couple hundred dollars and go all out.


I cant afford much over $400. I got a $200 ticket to pay plus i have to buy a new hood and grille for my truck STILL....
Mag, that store that Andy found has a great price on the Canon Power Shot SX110 IS for $219.95 with free shipping. Included is an 8 gig card, case, Li-ion batt., card reader and mini tripod. Looks like a great point and shoot camera and a great price too. But there are some great SLR's on that site too as well as other camera stores. $409 for the camera you are looking at with free shipping. No extras.
Mag, that store that Andy found has a great price on the Canon Power Shot SX110 IS for $219.95 with free shipping. Included is an 8 gig card, case, Li-ion batt., card reader and mini tripod. Looks like a great point and shoot camera and a great price too. But there are some great SLR's on that site too as well as other camera stores. $409 for the camera you are looking at with free shipping. No extras.
I saw the 110 at wally world. But no flip screen.

The link i posted, the XS10 with flip screen (i shoot over my head more than I do in front of me) for $360 on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-list...p?ie=UTF8&qid=1245266104&sr=8-1&condition=new
just bought the SX10 from amazon for $360 and free shipping with mom's card. Also bought the Logitech G25 racing wheel from electronics expo for $205 and $14 to ship.

They retail for 399 and 299 respectively
I have been looking for a good camera as well

these SLRs look great.....
just bought the SX10 from amazon for $360 and free shipping with mom's card. Also bought the Logitech G25 racing wheel from electronics expo for $205 and $14 to ship.

They retail for 399 and 299 respectively

<Nigerian scammer>Hey can I borrow your mom's card, I gots some shopping to do.</Nigerian scammer> :D
Mom got the EOS Rebel DSLR....sweet camera, and all her 1990's canon film lenses fit right on.
Did she get the latest version? There are several versions of this camera, all of which are good, but the first one is a bit out of date. The Canon Rebel is a great little camera that is making waves in the entry level DSL cameras. Nikon has some good competition in this area, but from what I've read, the Rebel is staying ahead of the curve both on price and quality...that's not to say that the Nikon cameras are anything to sneeze at. Both the Canon and Nikon dsl digital cameras allow usage of their non-digital camera lens. Of course, one needs to be aware of what they have and what they are buying. Not just any Canon or Nikon lens will work. It does have to be compatible.
Did she get the latest version? There are several versions of this camera, all of which are good, but the first one is a bit out of date. The Canon Rebel is a great little camera that is making waves in the entry level DSL cameras. Nikon has some good competition in this area, but from what I've read, the Rebel is staying ahead of the curve both on price and quality...that's not to say that the Nikon cameras are anything to sneeze at. Both the Canon and Nikon dsl digital cameras allow usage of their non-digital camera lens. Of course, one needs to be aware of what they have and what they are buying. Not just any Canon or Nikon lens will work. It does have to be compatible.
We bought it last month. I was shooting with it before she finished the manual

My friend has a nikon, i love it. It's more advanced, has more of the features I'd use than my mom's rebel. Like you said, the EOS rebel is an entry level DSLR, the Nikons are for people that are serious about what they're doing.

I picked up a consumer reports magazine yesterday. the EOS Rebel XS is ranked 5th in DSLR, the XS10IS i bought is #1 for advanced point and shoot.
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