Looks bad, feels great

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
Bill went into work one day and a co-worker said "Man Bill, you don't look so good. Are you feeling ok?" Bill said "Yeah, man I feel really good"

He talks to the boss a little later and his boss says "Bill, you look really bad. Are you feeling alright?" Bill said "Yeah, never better". But his boss insisted he go see a doctor.

The doctor came in the room and said "Bill, you look horrible. Do you feel as bad as you look?" Bill said "No man, why does everyone keep saying that? I feel fantastic"

"Hmmm" the doctor said. Let me look this up in my diagnostic book. While flipping through the pages he said "looks good/feels good, no"..."looks bad/feels bad, no"..."looks good/feels bad, no"..."looks bad/feels fantastic, Oh here it is, You're a ******!"
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