

Bull in a China Shop
Feb 26, 2012
Guy comes home from work and finds his wife on the the bed rubbing lotion on her breasts. He asks, What are you doing? Wife explains that her doctor said if she rubbed this lotion on her breasts daily they would grow bigger. Husband replies, Have you tried toilet paper? Confused the wife asks "Why would I use toilet paper?" Husband replies, "Cause you've been wiping your ass with it for 15 years and look how big it's gotten"

Older fella gets pulled over at 1am by the local cop for having a tail light out. Cop says "Mr. Wilson, did you know you have a tail light out - and since we know each other - why are you driving this late at your age?'

Mr. Wilson: "Well I was on my way to a lecture on the evils of drinking and smoking and playing poker and staying out late".

Cop: "Well OK...you seem to be in pretty good shape...but who is giving a lecture at this time of night?"

Mr. Wilson: "My wife...she is an expert on the subject." :p
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