Lottery winners?


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Anyone know of anybody who has won a big lottery? Back when I lived in Iowa, one of my fellow mailmen won a million on a second chance game. He had always played the big game each week and when he didn't have the right numbers this one week, he threw the tickets in the trash. The next day, he heard about the second chance the Illinois lottery was offering for losing tickets from the last drawing. This second chance would give a chance to win a cool mil. My friend called his wife and told her to go look for the tickets. She did, found them and they won. Cool. Tom was still a youngster, mid twenties, married with two children. He didn't quit his job and as far as I know, is still carrying the mail in Davenport, Iowa. At that time, winners didn't have the choice of getting a lump sum, only to collect the million over a period of twenty years. I asked him how much he received yearly as he was paid with one check a year. After taxes, he cleared just over 38,000 a year. If you do the math, the taxes are just over 25%, but for a one dollar ticket, that isn't bad. Tom is now nearing the end of his twenty years, but I know that he's in a different frame of mind than he was twenty years ago. Oh, and btw, Tommy told me that he never knew he had so many relatives. :)
Anyone know of anybody who has won a big lottery? Back when I lived in Iowa, one of my fellow mailmen won a million on a second chance game. He had always played the big game each week and when he didn't have the right numbers this one week, he threw the tickets in the trash. The next day, he heard about the second chance the Illinois lottery was offering for losing tickets from the last drawing. This second chance would give a chance to win a cool mil. My friend called his wife and told her to go look for the tickets. She did, found them and they won. Cool. Tom was still a youngster, mid twenties, married with two children. He didn't quit his job and as far as I know, is still carrying the mail in Davenport, Iowa. At that time, winners didn't have the choice of getting a lump sum, only to collect the million over a period of twenty years. I asked him how much he received yearly as he was paid with one check a year. After taxes, he cleared just over 38,000 a year. If you do the math, the taxes are just over 25%, but for a one dollar ticket, that isn't bad. Tom is now nearing the end of his twenty years, but I know that he's in a different frame of mind than he was twenty years ago. Oh, and btw, Tommy told me that he never knew he had so many relatives. :)
Good story. Nice to hear of someone deserving that won the lottery. I hope he saved some of that $38,000 yearly payment.
Anyone know of anybody who has won a big lottery? Back when I lived in Iowa, one of my fellow mailmen won a million on a second chance game. He had always played the big game each week and when he didn't have the right numbers this one week, he threw the tickets in the trash. The next day, he heard about the second chance the Illinois lottery was offering for losing tickets from the last drawing. This second chance would give a chance to win a cool mil. My friend called his wife and told her to go look for the tickets. She did, found them and they won. Cool. Tom was still a youngster, mid twenties, married with two children. He didn't quit his job and as far as I know, is still carrying the mail in Davenport, Iowa. At that time, winners didn't have the choice of getting a lump sum, only to collect the million over a period of twenty years. I asked him how much he received yearly as he was paid with one check a year. After taxes, he cleared just over 38,000 a year. If you do the math, the taxes are just over 25%, but for a one dollar ticket, that isn't bad. Tom is now nearing the end of his twenty years, but I know that he's in a different frame of mind than he was twenty years ago. Oh, and btw, Tommy told me that he never knew he had so many relatives. :)

My Grandfather had a cousin that lived in Davenport Iowa. Wonder if you ever carried his mail?
Good story. Nice to hear of someone deserving that won the lottery.

I have a friend that lost a leg in Nam. He had a wife he brought home from there. They had a 4 year old son and one on the way when she purchased a ticket where she worked bagging grocerys...
That ticket won them two million plus.. He lived about 12 more years before his heart attacked him.. There was a deserving family..
Betsy, that's pretty depressing. At least he didn't die right after realizing he won. Ever seen "Waking Ned Devine?" GREAT movie!

It's funny, I posted a similar thread about sweepstakes winners and nobody seems to have won a sweepstakes or knew anybody who has won either! I think that's strange. I mean, really, does no one win?

I need a new car and thought I'd enter all the "win a car sweepstakes" out there, LOL! There's one for a Camry, and I really want to win the one for an Audi TT! LOOOOVE that car. There's a bunch more. I would think someone would have to win those right? This is seriously depressing if that's not the case!
Hi there

I only tried lotto once. I guess I'm not good in taking risks at all. :(
Muggle, if there was something good about Tom, it was that he invested much of that money and kept his job. I think that he invested much of it in real estate. Even with down turn in housing of late, I think that he got in early enough that he's probably still way ahead in that.

tkj, if the guy lived in Davenport, chances are that I did deliver to him at some time.
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