Lunch time!


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
I'm starving for some reason. Going to go raid the 'fridge to see what's in there. LOL

And, THE SUN HAS COME OUT ! Weakly, but it's there! ! !

Hip, hip, hooray ! ;)
No sun here, it's very dreary :(

Leftovers for lunch for me, grilled out last night :chef:
Leftover Pizza for me, and pouring rain, cold {50*), windy,
just plain dreary.
yum about an hour and a half before lunchtime..but then again...guess it doesn't matter what time lunch is...go with the growling tummy..hahahaha:D
I had a leftover homemade pizza and it was not so good re heated, I don't feel real well right now(plus I have a cold, so it might not have been the pizza)
I had some pasta that looked like little coils springs.They came that way out of the box.:p Mmmmmmmmmm!Good.:p
Originally posted by pbunch
I had some pasta that looked like little coils springs.They came that way out of the box.:p Mmmmmmmmmm!Good.:p

Ruh Roh, were they all up to "Pasta Standards", or are you going to need to fine Ronzoni for about 1/8 inch and get at least $5,000?
Originally posted by kat2220
Ruh Roh, were they all up to "Pasta Standards", or are you going to need to fine Ronzoni for about 1/8 inch and get at least $5,000?

I was just sitting here wondering how much that person get an hour to twist these things this way.They really have to use there noodle Im sure. :p
Originally posted by pbunch
I was just sitting here wondering how much that person get an hour to twist these things this way.They really have to use there noodle Im sure. :p

I'm sure it's done by machine, but what about "quality control", "shipping and handlin" and the fact that you dropped that darn box????
Had a little left-over roast beef. Made a dandy sandwich with leaf lettuce and tomato.

It's pouring sunshine here this afternoon. Not a cloud in the sky!

Happy, happy, happy! :D
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