Marty Smith is running tomorrow

26.2 is crazy! I've been running for years and ran 5mi this morning but 26.2? Yikes!! I could possibly do 13.1 if I had more energy & trained a little more but 26.2 is such a pounding on the legs and body.... Good luck to Marty, I enjoy his commentary on espn!:)
Well I doubt he'll make the whole run. 26 miles is not for weaklings. Not saying that he is but it takes years of preparation to do this and go the whole way. He may need some assistance along the way. lol

Best of luck dude.
26.2 is crazy! I've been running for years and ran 5mi this morning but 26.2? Yikes!! I could possibly do 13.1 if I had more energy & trained a little more but 26.2 is such a pounding on the legs and body.... Good luck to Marty, I enjoy his commentary on espn!:)
I have no desire to do more than a half either. Don't understand how people can do fulls but good on them lol.

Good luck to Marty, he looks like an in-shape guy. You don't qualify for Boston if you're a scrub.
I have no desire to do more than a half either. Don't understand how people can do fulls but good on them lol.

Good luck to Marty, he looks like an in-shape guy. You don't qualify for Boston if you're a scrub.

+1 with all of this. Went for a 15 miler just before leaving for Fontana. Taxes the body big time. Several days before hydration, etc. back in order. Not into the price necessary to do the big time runs. Don't mind the pain/cardio--don't like the BS to the body.
And only $10/six pack @ Eldora Speedway, including ice. Since I mentioned Eldora..... Only 93 more days!

Tying it back into Marty Smith. I wonder if Marty Smith trains by running the Eldora dirt track?
Nice tie in.

I still have that fancy BL and ice cooler from Eldora in storage in the RV. I can't wait to use it again.
I still have that fancy BL and ice cooler from Eldora in storage in the RV. I can't wait to use it again.
Would this be it?


It looks an awful lot like the one the Marty Smith uses when he trains @ Eldora.
Awesome! I'd do marathons if I had the anatomy for it, but I'm a sprinter :D Too many fast twitch muscle fibers and not enough slow twitch to keep my stamina up for miles and miles. I'll stick to soccer :bounce:

Congrats to Marty
You can follow Marty Smith's progress HERE. Bib #27614

Enter the bib number, click SEARCH, then click his name.

Hey, it's a race..... right?
26 Miles in under 4 hours is about right if you're driving in Boston traffic...Running 26 miles in under 4 is quite a achievement!
Love listening to his podcast with Ryan McGee, I was rooting for/keeping tabs on him and a girl I went to school with today.
Good on him - he's one of my favorite analysts/writers in the sport.
Will we lose Marty when ESPN goes away or will he jump ship? Let's hope he jumps ship. One of the few media types who gets it. Love the dude's work.
Will we lose Marty when ESPN goes away or will he jump ship? Let's hope he jumps ship. One of the few media types who gets it. Love the dude's work.

Hope he goes to NBC. His interviews do an excellent job of cutting through the narrative BS and showing the real men and women underneath the fire suits and the passion that drives them.
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