
muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
I went to the "ear" doctor again today as the ear infection has gotten worse and the drainage has started pretty heavily again. They have tried antibiotics four times without success. He is ordering a CT Scan for me as he thinks there is a possibility that I may have mastoiditis. He doesn't want to discuss it until he sees the results of the Scan. Chit nothing is ever simple. :)
I went to the "ear" doctor again today as the ear infection has gotten worse and the drainage has started pretty heavily again. They have tried antibiotics four times without success. He is ordering a CT Scan for me as he thinks there is a possibility that I may have mastoiditis. He doesn't want to discuss it until he sees the results of the Scan. Chit nothing is ever simple. :)

I'll keep you in my prayers Mug
Have you seen the Seth McFarland commercials where he talks about you watching so much TV your brain is turning to goo? Maybe the drainage is the goo leaking out. I'd suggest less TV and getting outside more. In case you need ideas my grass needs cutting after all this rain...
Prayers Muggle. I've spent lots of years in the office of Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist with one of my daughter's. She still has problems.
Hope they find what's wrong and can get you feeling better soon, Mug.
What? One of my better funnies and nothing. Talking about a tough audience...

Muggle have you tried ear candling (Thermo-Auricular Therapy)? It works better on some people than tubes for the drainage.
After the power drill, soak it from inside out with alcohol, and then rubb some salve on it.

REALLY, hope everything comes out alright.
They called me this morning and I had the CT Scan this afteroon, now I wait for the doctor to evaluate.
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