Mayfield issues letter to fans...



Mayfield plans a return to the track, just unsure when -

But this is the part that stood out to me:

Mayfield Motorsports' No. 41 Toyota hasn't been on the race track since the May 24 Coca-Cola 600. One week after that race, the Mayfields were forced to lay off their team members, including crew chief Tony Furr. Gaining sponsorship money to revive the team is their primary goal.


Mayfield Motorsports said we were full of bull when we reported that back in June just days before the Dover Downs race. :rolleyes:
goes thru all that to get the suspention lifted then has no plan in place to go race.What a fool.He's still on dope.
How can he plan to race when he's had to sell his possesions to put dinner on the table?
goes thru all that to get the suspention lifted then has no plan in place to go race.What a fool.He's still on dope.

How was he supposed to get money together to get a car? He probably payed alot for his lawyer and its not like he's Roger Penske with a million dollar bussiness to fall back on, so how was he going to get the money? Maybe Nascar could of been generous enough to give him some help;)
Either Jeremy really is crazy on drugs or he believes he's innocent. I think this move was to start repairing his rep, but that's never going to happen. There were at least 2 or 3 teams that said they wouldn't put him in a car because of their sponsors not wanting him. He's never going to race again and if he's innocent, it's a shame. That being said, where I think NASCAR will win this case is that the drivers are suppsoed to notify them of a change of helath and any medications.

The best thing about this is, Nascar will have a much better drug program by first of all giving the drivers' a list of substances and categories. It will also insure the chain of evidence in the processing of the samples. Some of the drivers tested have said that they used to be in and out of there to give samples and it's taking much longer and they have to initial steps along the way. The samples should be sealed in front of the driver. The "B" sample should always be tested by an alternate lab. The driver should have the option of having their B sample tested by an improved lap of their choice or notifiy the driver before it is sent to another lab and/or the someone representing the driver should be there when it's opened whether they want it tested in a different lap or not. In the long run, Nascar will have a much better procedure in place with less chance of having their findinig protested.

Jeremy didn't win the injunction because the judge thinks he is innocent. He got it because of Nascar's flawed testing procedures.
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