Originally posted by kat2220@Mar 27 2004, 06:53 PM
Why were you upset Lappy? That dang toe again?
no, the nail still has not grown back all the way yet, think God that hurts when it starts to grow down in to your toe.....ouch!
but some guy keeps calling us saying that dad owns them money and he called at like 930 or so this morr and wanted to talk to him and i said that i respect my dad enfuf not to wake him up when we has had a long week and work, and he told me that i must not have been rasied night, so i told him to shut up and not to say that, and he said ohh iam sorry i amsorry in a smart ass tone, so i told him to kiss my ass just like my daddy told you, then he made fun of my intellagence. so i told him to kiss my ass again and hung up on him.
he called a few days ago and dad hung up on him and i had to use the phone, he stayed on there for like 10 more mins. so i picked it up and said "buddy you can stay on there as long as you want no one will talk to you!" well he finaly hung up
NOTE: I am really a easy going guy, laid back, easy going. but if you piss me off or make a smartass commiet about me, my family, friends or belifes...hell has just broke loose.
Days like this, i dont calm down for along long long time......i think about 12 hours later i am fine now, i just hope he dont call back and me pick up! dang, lappy needs a hug.........