Members that have been banned...



I noticed one of the thread games was started by "CatRaceGirl" and that there was no line under her name to look up her profile. I opened the post and her's wasn't there. I figured she must've been banned, but all the info on banned people used to be available.....Paul, no info on the banned since we got our face lift not too long ago ? I was just curious because I know the info used to be there.

click on the "members" link at the top of the page. Under the "showing" section, change from "all members" to "banned by moderators". Then set it to show at least 20 results per page. That will give you a list of whose officially been banned. Some people haven't been officially banned, but had their accounts rmoved instead.
PG, What's up with the Gary Coleman Av. I haven't seen his mug in a long time.
Originally posted by Tabasco@Mar 22 2003, 09:48 PM
PG, What's up with the Gary Coleman Av. I haven't seen his mug in a long time.
LOL, I was searching through an avatar site and came across it. I thought it was kinda cute so I figured what they heck. I'm currently searching for av's pertainting to the mid 70's & early 80's. Just a mood I've gotten myself in lately.

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