Mexican billionaire wants a Cup race


Team Owner
Oct 5, 2001
Mexican billionaire wants a Cup race

It may be NASCAR's good fortune - the man behind this sport's Mexico City gambit, Carlos Slim Helu, may be the richest man in the world, even richer than Bill Gates, according Mexican financial figures who peg his telecom-based fortune at nearly $68 billion. Microsoft's Gates is figured to be worth $59 billion. Helu's fortune would be nearly 10 percent of Mexico's entire GDP. Helu has been pushing NASCAR's France family to turn the Mexico City Busch tour stop into a Nextel Cup tour stop. -- Winston-Salem Journal
Mexican billionaire wants a Cup race

It may be NASCAR's good fortune - the man behind this sport's Mexico City gambit, Carlos Slim Helu, may be the richest man in the world, even richer than Bill Gates, according Mexican financial figures who peg his telecom-based fortune at nearly $68 billion. Microsoft's Gates is figured to be worth $59 billion. Helu's fortune would be nearly 10 percent of Mexico's entire GDP. Helu has been pushing NASCAR's France family to turn the Mexico City Busch tour stop into a Nextel Cup tour stop. -- Winston-Salem Journal

Man's got deep enough pockets, i'm sure he can persuade the France family to get that deal done.
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