Michael Jackson: All thread merged

Michael Jackson: "An American Hero"

Msnbc just said: "An American hero, an American tragedy. We are continuing to remember the life of Michael Jackson."

"Hero"? Really?

I love some of MJ's music, but this stuff has gotten so asinine it's unwatchable.:rolleyes:

Someone who risks their life to pull others out of two collapsing towers or out of rubble on September 11th is a hero. A soldier who dies in a war to protect another soldier and protect our freedom is a hero. Someone who runs in to a burning building to get a baby out is a hero.

Michael Jackson? At best, he made millions of dollars recording albums and dancing on a stage in front of thousands of people. Maybe a charitable donation once in a while for PR purposes.
The restaurant we went to at lunch had MJ on but no sound so unless you looked for it you'd never know. Besides the keyboard player kept us entertained with live music. A much better choice than watching most anything on TV...except Sports.
I can honestly say I did not watch one minute of the service.

As for calling him a hero --- not in my book.

A great entertainer --- yes.

Thank you! Jeez, could it be anymore over done? I got at least 2 CNN breaking alerts in my email today...both about his funeral. Jeez!
That is what our society has come to. Remember, they did the same for Princess Di. Icons mean more to the regular joe and joette than do real heroes.
If you're insulted by them hailing Jackson as a hero while refusing to mention the sacrifice of America's real heroes (the men and women of the US Armed Forces), you can send your emails to:

MSNBC President Phil Griffin -- phil.griffin@nbcuni.com
NBC News President Steve Capus -- [email protected]

Also, thanks TRL for making this a sticky, I've put a thread up here, feel free to post your messages of support to America's real heroes.
This was in The Post:

A Life of Worth, Overlooked

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My nephew, Brian Bradshaw, was killed by an explosive device in Afghanistan on June 25, the same day that Michael Jackson died. Mr. Jackson received days of wall-to-wall coverage in the media. Where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers who died that week? There were several of them, and our family crossed paths with the family of another fallen soldier at Dover Air Force Base, where the bodies come "home." Only the media in Brian's hometown and where he was stationed before his deployment covered his death.

I remember Brian as a toddler wandering around in cowboy boots and hat, not seeing the need for any other clothing. He grew into a thoroughly decent person with a wry sense of humor. He loved wolves and history. Most Christmases, I gave him a biography or some analysis of the Civil War. He read such things for pleasure.

He had old-fashioned values and believed that military service was patriotic and that actions counted more than talk. He wasn't much for talking, although he could communicate volumes with a raised eyebrow.

He was a search-and-rescue volunteer, an altar boy, a camp counselor. He carried the hopes and dreams of his parents willingly on his shoulders. What more than that did Michael Jackson do or represent that earned him memorial "shrines," while this soldier's death goes unheralded?

It makes me want to scream.


I can honestly say I did not watch one minute of the service.

As for calling him a hero --- not in my book.

A great entertainer --- yes.

Probably couldnt of said it any better.

The guy was a great entertainer, had talent for music and dance but his personal life was just absolutely strange.

Im tired of hearing about him all the time now.
...Maybe a charitable donation once in a while for PR purposes.

Um, he's in the Guinness Book as giving more to charity than ANY other entertainer.

Other notable Guinness records:

Most successful concert series.
Biggest selling album of all time.
Most Grammys in a single year.
Largest musical contract for an artist or band.
Highest paid commercial spokesperson (Pepsi).
Highest grossing World tour.
If my insensitivity towards the Jackson memorial today makes me the Billy Bad Butt of the day, so be it. Some of the comments on my facebook page, you'd think I was the Antichrist. :eek:
The part that pisses me off is half these kids they showed "mourning" today didn't know who he was until he croaked and they got spoon fed his life's story while their parents have the endless Michael Jackson news media orgy on their television sets. Other people "mourning" him today were bashing him endlessly two years ago. :rolleyes:
Dude if you don't want to hear about him just turn the coverage off. Not EVERY channel had MJ coverage on. You could change the channel, pop a DVD in, turn the TV off and go do something. I didn't care about the thing at the Staples centre today so I watched a few movies. If you don't care about Michael Jackson then quit starting threads about him.
Dude if you don't want to hear about him just turn the coverage off. Not EVERY channel had MJ coverage on. You could change the channel, pop a DVD in, turn the TV off and go do something. I didn't care about the thing at the Staples centre today so I watched a few movies. If you don't care about Michael Jackson then quit starting threads about him.

He is the only one that is bringing MJ (RIP) up. :) Imagine that!!:AHHHH:
Msnbc's response to complaints about Jackson coverage.

Contessa Brewer said:
For everyone criticizing the wall-to-wall Michael Jackson memorial coverage, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/

Up yours as well. :mad: You just turned someone who's been a very loyal viewer of Msnbc for years in to a FOX Fan.
I say, keep flooding!

give me an email address and I have 4 accounts i can flood them with in under 30 seconds
I say, keep flooding!

give me an email address and I have 4 accounts i can flood them with in under 30 seconds

MSNBC President Phil Griffin -- phil.griffin@nbcuni.com
NBC News President Steve Capus -- [email protected]
Contessa Brewer's email address -- [email protected]

These people just don't get it. Especially Msnbc -- they had the damn thing on NBC AND CNBC, AND msnbc.com. They're the lowest rated network in television anyways. They're the only channel that doesn't have HD. EVERY time every network's covering the same thing, everyone watches every network except Msnbc anyways. They can't even draw a million viewers on election night when everyone else is drawing five million viewers or more.

What is there to lose, at that point, in being THE ONLY NEWS NETWORK IN AMERICA to air news? What is there to lose in airing something alternative to what everybody else is airing? Why not take the risk and actually air news? They have real nice graphics that don't hurt my eyes like FOX's do.. Contessa Brewer, to her credit, is flat out gorgeous:growl: -- they might've actually attracted viewers to their relaunched network.

Steve Capus and Phil Griffin just don't get it.
Yeah, he could have amused himself and spent some time at Rotten.com.

That might have cheered him up. :D
NO! We don't want you as a viewer. Go away!

I'll probably turn on FOX News one night, watch 10 minutes of Sean Hannity, go to the computer and write an email asking him when he's going to man up on his offer to be waterboarded for charity and flip the TV to CNN. :XXROFL:
Pretty soon im going to send a complant to the owner of this site letting him know some idiot keeps flooding the forum with michael jackson threads :XXROFL:.

Enjoy your obsession
Just My Opinion

Just My Opinion

At age 6 an overbearing, abusive father coerced Michael Jackson into performing with the Jackson 5. Devoid of a childhood, at age 13 in 1971, he began a successful solo career. Clearly the most talented of the Jackson children, Michael quickly found fame, fortune and popularity.
With fame and fortune also came seclusion, loneliness and desolation. Not only was Michael deprived of a childhood; he was also deprived of a life. He couldn't go to Disneyworld (unless he bought and closed the park for the day), he couldn't go to the drive-in, a walk-in, the zoo, the local supermarket or 7-11. Would you trade places with Michael for a second?
Greedy, manipulative people circled like vultures for a shot at some of Michael's millions. Frivolous, fabricated lawsuits flooded the courts and media, accusing Michael of inappropriate activity with children. Yet, in this day and age of forensic science and DNA, no physical evidence was ever found or produced to support any of the claims of child molestation. During the O.J. Simpson trial, tons of physical evidence, DNA and eyewitness testimonial was admitted into evidence, but because a dream-team of defense attorneys were able to confuse and manipulate a group of twelve jurors, a guilty man got away with murder. Why was there no DNA evidence found in the Michael Jackson child molestation trials? Simple. No evidence existed. Michael loved children because he was, at heart, a child himself.
Michael Jackson became a reclusive, eccentric individual. He was a creative musical genius. The world will never see another like him. He was a very giving person. He donated more to charity than any other entertainer. He was an amazing entertainer. I personally do not own any MJ music. It's not my cup of tea. I do, however, recognize incredible talent.
Misguided as he was he became the best that he was able. Clearly by the media coverage and the overall worldwide outpouring, he touched a lot of lives and had a positive impact on millions of people. It's sad that his legacy will forever be tarnished by unproven allegations of misconduct.
RIP, Michael, may you finally have found your place.
Just My Opinion

At age 6 an overbearing, abusive father coerced Michael Jackson into performing with the Jackson 5. Devoid of a childhood, at age 13 in 1971, he began a successful solo career. Clearly the most talented of the Jackson children, Michael quickly found fame, fortune and popularity.
With fame and fortune also came seclusion, loneliness and desolation. Not only was Michael deprived of a childhood; he was also deprived of a life. He couldn't go to Disneyworld (unless he bought and closed the park for the day), he couldn't go to the drive-in, a walk-in, the zoo, the local supermarket or 7-11. Would you trade places with Michael for a second?
Greedy, manipulative people circled like vultures for a shot at some of Michael's millions. Frivolous, fabricated lawsuits flooded the courts and media, accusing Michael of inappropriate activity with children. Yet, in this day and age of forensic science and DNA, no physical evidence was ever found or produced to support any of the claims of child molestation. During the O.J. Simpson trial, tons of physical evidence, DNA and eyewitness testimonial was admitted into evidence, but because a dream-team of defense attorneys were able to confuse and manipulate a group of twelve jurors, a guilty man got away with murder. Why was there no DNA evidence found in the Michael Jackson child molestation trials? Simple. No evidence existed. Michael loved children because he was, at heart, a child himself.
Michael Jackson became a reclusive, eccentric individual. He was a creative musical genius. The world will never see another like him. He was a very giving person. He donated more to charity than any other entertainer. He was an amazing entertainer. I personally do not own any MJ music. It's not my cup of tea. I do, however, recognize incredible talent.
Misguided as he was he became the best that he was able. Clearly by the media coverage and the overall worldwide outpouring, he touched a lot of lives and had a positive impact on millions of people. It's sad that his legacy will forever be tarnished by unproven allegations of misconduct.
RIP, Michael, may you finally have found your place.

Just My Opinion

At age 6 an overbearing, abusive father coerced Michael Jackson into performing with the Jackson 5. Devoid of a childhood, at age 13 in 1971, he began a successful solo career. Clearly the most talented of the Jackson children, Michael quickly found fame, fortune and popularity.
With fame and fortune also came seclusion, loneliness and desolation. Not only was Michael deprived of a childhood; he was also deprived of a life. He couldn't go to Disneyworld (unless he bought and closed the park for the day), he couldn't go to the drive-in, a walk-in, the zoo, the local supermarket or 7-11. Would you trade places with Michael for a second?
Greedy, manipulative people circled like vultures for a shot at some of Michael's millions. Frivolous, fabricated lawsuits flooded the courts and media, accusing Michael of inappropriate activity with children. Yet, in this day and age of forensic science and DNA, no physical evidence was ever found or produced to support any of the claims of child molestation. During the O.J. Simpson trial, tons of physical evidence, DNA and eyewitness testimonial was admitted into evidence, but because a dream-team of defense attorneys were able to confuse and manipulate a group of twelve jurors, a guilty man got away with murder. Why was there no DNA evidence found in the Michael Jackson child molestation trials? Simple. No evidence existed. Michael loved children because he was, at heart, a child himself.
Michael Jackson became a reclusive, eccentric individual. He was a creative musical genius. The world will never see another like him. He was a very giving person. He donated more to charity than any other entertainer. He was an amazing entertainer. I personally do not own any MJ music. It's not my cup of tea. I do, however, recognize incredible talent.
Misguided as he was he became the best that he was able. Clearly by the media coverage and the overall worldwide outpouring, he touched a lot of lives and had a positive impact on millions of people. It's sad that his legacy will forever be tarnished by unproven allegations of misconduct.
RIP, Michael, may you finally have found your place.

Yeah, i agree. And Andy, get over MJ. Do what everyone else does when there is something they don't like on TV, Change the channel. Three Michael Jackson threads in one day is plenty.
Then what would he complain about? Maybe his remote don't work. LOL:D

He'd complain about all the Busch-haters. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, enough with the MJ threads. Yeah, we get it you're not happy about the TV coverage. Get over it. There's plenty of stuff on other channels. If you're going to complain about the coverage at least keep it to one thread. This way there's less spamming going on, and it's easier to ignore.

Hell, I don't even watch TV anymore except for racing. All my free time is spent on my computer or playing my Xbox 360 or PSP.
Farah Fawcetts last wish

Did you know Farah Fawcetts last wish was "to save all the children" and the next day MJ died
A Powerful Message from Stevie Wonder On Michael Jackson’s Death…

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Deep stuff, eh?
I nearly cried when he said “. .. . . . .. .. … .. .. . . .... ....”

Not right, I know.:eek:
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