Michael Schumacher

First off, why the need to post as digger? That train is gone, let it go..

Personally, I think Ferrari should loks towards the future now. With Massa's future in the sport in grave doubt and Kimi getting closer and closer to retirement himself, no need to bring in a band-aid 9even thought that would be one hell of a band-aid.)


His retirement was the best thing to happen to F1 in a long time. While he was racing, he was the reigning a**hole of all motorsports. He's arrogant, and thinks he's God's gift to motorsports. Kyle Busch has nothing on Schumacher.

I really wish it was Schumacher that was hit with the spring instead of Massa. Massa really showed his quality after he lost the World Championship by 1 point last year. He took it like a man that knows one day he'll be on top of the podium at the end of the year. That's something Schumacher could have never done.

Oh yeah, and Schumacher has a horrible donkey smile that haunts my deepest nighmares.

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