Might have figured out how to finance my project.



A friend asked me the other day about doing some pics of his new street car, a '57 Chevy. He knew me from my racing days when he was a driver and I was the track photographer. He brought me a couple of pics he had and I worked on them some today. One had a house and satellite dish as the backdrop and the other had a utility building and dog pen. Think he'll like it? Taking it to him at a car show tomorrow so he can show it off to his other car owning friends. Ain't creative marketing a hoot?
I think it's a crate 350 but it was dark when he brought it by work after a cruise in the other nite.
Cool. When I was a kid, my Dad had a '57 210 2 door with pretty much the same paint job. Didn't have the gold accents though. It had the 235 stove bolt 6 w/3 on the tree. It was the 1st car I ever drove...I was a few years less than legal at the time!
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