Miley Cyrus

So because she's famous, she's not allowed to make mistakes in life?

This is pretty tame stuff, and isn't half as bad as some of the things I did when I was her age. We learn from our mistakes, and life goes on. I'm more disappointed that the "offended" people filmed this, and sold it to TMZ for profit. A perfect example of what's wrong with modern society.

So because she's famous, she's not allowed to make mistakes in life?

This is pretty tame stuff, and isn't half as bad as some of the things I did when I was her age. We learn from our mistakes, and life goes on. I'm more disappointed that the "offended" people filmed this, and sold it to TMZ for profit. A perfect example of what's wrong with modern society.


These "mistakes" are becoming more frequent though. Her new "music" video doesn't help her reputation either.
So because she's famous, she's not allowed to make mistakes in life?

This is pretty tame stuff, and isn't half as bad as some of the things I did when I was her age. We learn from our mistakes, and life goes on. I'm more disappointed that the "offended" people filmed this, and sold it to TMZ for profit. A perfect example of what's wrong with modern society.


That was simply "trash" by a girl as young as her.

The thing wrong with society is what you see in the video.

The only thing she will learn from actions like that will be to - next - bed down the football team.
May the person who has never made a mistake in their life, throw the first stone.
May the person who has never made a mistake in their life, throw the first stone.

And those that have made mistakes should be encouraging others not to make the 'big" mistakes and not encourage them by stating, oh, they will grow out of it.
Miley's on the same path as Britney and Lindsay. And we see how well it worked out for them.
Andy, quite seriously I'm surprise that you don't condone any of this. Society has changed over the years and I'm sure you wouldn't like what it was like when I was growing up, but I'm glad to see that you can see some things the way many of us older folks see them.
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