More Bad News For Mayfield


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
IRS files lien against Mayfield: Jeremy Mayfield's lawsuit against NASCAR isn't his only legal issue, and if NASCAR seems like a giant to go up against, Mayfield has two even bigger entities taking action against him: The Internal Revenue Service and the North Carolina Department of Revenue. The IRS has filed a lien on property owned by Mayfield and his wife, Shana, for unpaid income taxes totaling $231,139 - $214,108 for 2008 and $17,031 for 2006. The North Carolina Department of Revenue filed a delinquent income tax notice with Mayfield for $65,932 - $62,379 for 2008 and $3,553 for 2006. The unpaid taxes were listed at $56,430 with a total of $10,502 in fines and fees. The tax documents were filed in North Carolina Superior Court in Newton, N.C. The IRS lien was filed March 29, while the North Carolina tax notice was filed Feb. 15.(Scene Daily)(4-7-2010)
How can making NASCAR look foolish be considered bad news for Mayfield?
Nothing, but the Tar Baby of Mayfield's alleged drug use does.
He had to have really PO'd somebody to have a IRS lien placed for 2008. Never happened to me but I've had disagreements with the IRS that went back and forth for several years and a lien was never even mentioned.
IRS files lien against Mayfield: Jeremy Mayfield's lawsuit against NASCAR isn't his only legal issue, and if NASCAR seems like a giant to go up against, Mayfield has two even bigger entities taking action against him: The Internal Revenue Service and the North Carolina Department of Revenue. The IRS has filed a lien on property owned by Mayfield and his wife, Shana, for unpaid income taxes totaling $231,139 - $214,108 for 2008 and $17,031 for 2006. The North Carolina Department of Revenue filed a delinquent income tax notice with Mayfield for $65,932 - $62,379 for 2008 and $3,553 for 2006. The unpaid taxes were listed at $56,430 with a total of $10,502 in fines and fees. The tax documents were filed in North Carolina Superior Court in Newton, N.C. The IRS lien was filed March 29, while the North Carolina tax notice was filed Feb. 15.(Scene Daily)(4-7-2010)

Maybe Mayfield is confused thinking he's a liberal. Half the libs in congress haven't paid income taxes for years. Example Charlie Rangel, Timothy Geithner, Christopher Dood, just to name a few.
Maybe Mayfield is confused thinking he's a liberal. Half the libs in congress haven't paid income taxes for years. Example Charlie Rangel, Timothy Geithner, Christopher Dood, just to name a few.

Hey blue. Do you know how to spell. Seems not. Let me show you the correct spelling.


Some of us like to discuss racing here.
Maybe Mayfield is confused thinking he's a liberal. Half the libs in congress haven't paid income taxes for years. Example Charlie Rangel, Timothy Geithner, Christopher Dood, just to name a few.

What the hell is this comment doing in a racing thread? :rolleyes:
Some of us like to discuss racing here.

Or, apparently, to criticize other members.....;)

Anyhow, the hits just keep coming for J-May. I feel sorry for the guy. Very dubious of Nascar's claims against him to begin with, but I reckon time will tell.
Hey blue. Do you know how to spell. Seems not. Let me show you the correct spelling.


Some of us like to discuss racing here.
Maybe this entire thread should have started out in POIDUM,PODUIM,PODIU...You know where,the one below chit chat
Hey blue. Do you know how to spell. Seems not. Let me show you the correct spelling.


Some of us like to discuss racing here.

muggle,muggle,muggle you commenting on the poster instead of the thread.:rolleyes:
Gentlemen, let's get back to the subject and get off personal politics.

Mayfield's tax problems are of his own making. It doesn't matter why he didn't pay them, the fact is he didn't --- shame on him.
Well you can bet he will find someone to blame this on. He never takes responsibility for anything he does.
the jeremy mayfield saga is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. sad but riveting. hard to see anything positive coming from all of this. i suppose it could be a conspiracy against him. could be a lesson that drugs can ruin your life. on the positive side he could just be dumber than dirt and only made a couple of tiny mistakes and needs for people to give him a break. <g>
the jeremy mayfield saga is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. sad but riveting. hard to see anything positive coming from all of this. i suppose it could be a conspiracy against him. could be a lesson that drugs can ruin your life. on the positive side he could just be dumber than dirt and only made a couple of tiny mistakes and needs for people to give him a break. <g>

Of your choices, my thoughts would be:

1. A lesson that drugs can ruin your life.

2. He is dumber than dirt.
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