More bad news from the cancer front



My wife's side of the family is really taking a beating lately.

First my mother-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer. Now her sister's husband has been given less than a month to live. He has stage 4 lung cancer. He never smoked a day in his life, but did work around a bunch of smokers. :(
Cancer is just such a nasty thing. I never really had anyone closer than a cousin suffer from it until recently, so I guess I didn't realize how devastating it can be. Bus (as his friends call him) had a patch of cancer they found on his arm a few months ago. Then he had some on his ear and they had to cut part of his ear off. He just went to the hospital a few days ago with what they thought was pneumonia. They found out it is stage 4 cancer and totally untreatable. :(
So sorry to hear this news 4X I will be keeping your family in my prayers. I'm afraid my brother will be in this boat soon, he smokes and I keep asking him to quit. :(
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Mar 30 2004, 02:45 AM
Cancer is just such a nasty thing. I never really had anyone closer than a cousin suffer from it until recently, so I guess I didn't realize how devastating it can be. Bus (as his friends call him) had a patch of cancer they found on his arm a few months ago. Then he had some on his ear and they had to cut part of his ear off. He just went to the hospital a few days ago with what they thought was pneumonia. They found out it is stage 4 cancer and totally untreatable. :(
Your right it is also a cruel thing. It can take a great person and distroy them in no time. I have seen it first hand. My prayers and thoughts go out to your wife and her family :(
This is such sad news 4x. More thoughts and prayers to your wife and family.

I know (unfortunately from family experience) how devastating this disease is.

Try and be strong for your wife!
You and yours sure have taken a beating lately. Things have to start getting better soon.
prayers and thoughts are with you and your family sorry to hear that........... :(
I am so very sorry to hear that you have received such awful news. :(
Thanks a lot guys and girls.

All of this is just another part of life that many have to deal with eventually, but that doesn't really make it any easier. I suppose in some ways this may be better in the long run. My nephew died in his late 20's about a month after my dad died. As brutal as that was, in a way I'm sure it was easier than having to deal with them seperately. Does that make any sense?

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts, sympathies, well wishes, and especially the prayers. You guys are the best. :salute:
My prayers and thoughts to your family 4xchamp. My mother had cancer and she managed to pull through alright after chemotherapy and those other sorts of things. Again, my prayers and thoughts to you. Very sad news indeed. :(
Im so sorry to hear this 4x champ. Best wishes to ur family.
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