More snow coming.



Three to five tommarrow with possible school closeings for the Indians home opener. :idunno: I thought spring was here but I guess i was wrong. This is crap.
We are expected to get 5 inches tonight, hard to believe it was in the high 60's just 5 days ago.
No snow here in Texas, but close to freezing tomorrow night and Wednesday.

Of course, along about July and August, I'll be begging for cold weather.
yeah its coming allright, we got a little less than an inch last night here in illinois.
Here in the Tehachapi mountains, anything can happen. We just got 2 inches of snow. The day before, it was 70+ degrees and everybody had shorts and T-shirts on. It was raining and yet, the sun was out. No wonder its called the land of four seasons (in one day). :D
Originally posted by 66mustang@Apr 7 2003, 01:04 PM
It was raining and yet, the sun was out. No wonder its called the land of four seasons (in one day). :D

TRL, I won't exactly be wishing it were cold outside, just cooler when we reach the 100's this summer.
Southern cheeseland has 4" of heavy wet snow. It is currently snowing like crazy. We could get another 2-4". :( It's also right around 32 deg., so it doesn't know if it wants to freeze or just slush. Just another beautiful day in paradise. :wacko:
The BIG WINTER STORM they kept saying was headed are way....well it rained thats it. Not that I was wanting the snow but they were calling for 5 inches, and nothing. It did get really cold though.
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