Movie Ideas



Ok, going to get a little thread started. Now you guys can add your own movie ideas and comments if you'd like. Here it goes

Movie Title: Terminator 4: Rise of the Larry Foyt fans
Company: United Artists
Producer/Director: Quentin Tarantino
Writer: George Lucas

Genre: Action/Adventure/Comedy
Rated: R (Scene with Sandwhich)

Movie Budget: $300,000,000
Target Release Date: 2005

Starring: Antonio Banderas as Larry Foyt, Susan Sarandon as Time Traveler #1, James Earl Jones as voice of the Magic Taco, featuring Ben Affleck as Chief Cotton Ball and much much more

Summary: Larry Foyt discusses foreign relations with the Saudi Prime Minister, later on, he wins the Rose Bowl and becomes undisputed Ruler of the Country of Zimbabwe. Along the way, he finds many difficult challenges.

Rating from Movie Critics: A- 90.5 %
Movie Title: Finding Nemo-chek
Company: United Artists
Producer/Director: Quentin Tarantino
Writer: George Lucas

Genre: Action
Rated: E

Movie Budget: $300,000,000
Target Release Date: 2004

Starring: A fish as Joe Nemechek

Summary:Joe Nemechek is hiding somewhere throught the race field under the deep blue sea, as Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Ward Burton try to get along they combine to find him in 42nd position.

Rating from Movie Critics: A- 90.6 %
Dog Day Afternoon...

Starring Jimmy Spencer and Mongo in Victory Lane

I can't even imagine a script that would have Spencer in a Winston Cup Victory Lane. But hey, in Hollywood anything can happen right?
rofl on the Spencer movie.

Here's the next movie:
Movie Title: Days of Blunder
Company: Jerry Bruckheimer/Don Simpson
Producer/Director: Jerry Bruckheimer
Writer: Jerry Bruckheimer/Don Simpson

Genre: Action/Adventure/Drama/
Rated: Mature (Scene with Restrictor Plate)

Movie Budget: $350,000,000
Target Release Date: Late 2003

Starring: Martin Lawrence as Jack Sprague, Bobby Hamilton Jr. as Mini-Jack, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Tony Furr, Nicole Kidman as the evil sorceress and Tobey Macguire as Seabiscuit the horse ( Yes, he will play the horse)

Summary: Jack Sprague encounters an estranged family member and challenges him to a lightsaber duel. Tony Furr and Mini Jack meanwhile are preoccupied in their quest to throw a sparkplug into a junkyard, until they face off in a game of Russian Roulette against the evil sorceress and Seabiscuit the horse.

Rating from Movie Critics: D+ 68.9%

Originally posted by ward22@Jul 29 2003, 12:21 PM
Movie Title: Finding Nemo-chek

Summary:Joe Nemechek is hiding somewhere throught the race field under the deep blue sea, as Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Ward Burton try to get along they combine to find him in 42nd position.
Good one Ward22. ^_^
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