Movie or tv scenes that changed you

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
I know that there was a thread a while back about movie scenes but I don't remember a lot of it. I was just reading the thread in chit chat about parents banning dodgeball and it reminded me of a scene in Good Will Hunting where Will pretty much lays out the attitude I took against people who tried to beat me down. I couldn't find a shorter clip, but this one has it in it.

The part I'm refering to goes from about 1:44 to about 2:05 or so.

Can't say a movie really changed me. Growing up, my dad was a huge rodeo fan, so I remember sitting at his side while he watched his idol, Lane Frost, ride any chance he got. I remember dad being devastated when Lane was killed. Later that year at the finals, Lane's best friend Tuff Hedeman wrapped up the World Championship and he rode bull #4 for the full 8 seconds. In honor of his fallen friend, Tuff stayed on #4 and continued to ride him for another full 8 seconds. The place went nuts. I remember at 8 years old, that being one of the few times in my life I've seen my rugged, tough, ol' man tear up. So everytime I watch "8 Seconds", I'm reminded of those times with my dad.

From the movie...

Some of the actual ride...

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