My Dad


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
I wanted to show Raz some respect in the thread regarding the passing of his grandmother, but wanted to share about my dad passing. My dad was absolutely amazing. Here is the link to his obiturary, Charles Leroy Edwards Sr Sept 17.

If you read it you will notice 18 kids listed. Those are either his biological kids or the kids that him and mom have adopted. It does not include the over 70 kids that they have cared for as foster parents since 1989. 9 of the kids listed are still at home with the youngest being 6 months old. Last Saturday I was just jotting down a few things about dad, I'm not a writer or anything but my dad and I had a great relationship and these are just a few of the things I will always remember.

He taught me the meaning of "Pretty is as Pretty does". He taught me to drive even if he yelled cause I didn't use my mirrors. He tackled me in a mud puddle and squirted me down with the garden hose just minutes before a big date. He put toothpaste in my hair while I slept to get me back for the vinegar in his coffee. He stood in the hallway at my high school graduation because the gym was so packed he couldn't get in but he still wanted to hear them call my name. He loved anchovies on his pizza. He hated salad, "I'm not a rabbit, Viriginia". He had the greatest little pharses: "You can be replaced, not very easily, but you can be replaced". His hair was always perfect, so I of course would always walk past his chair while he read his paper and rub my hand through it to mess it up. He was an extremely hard worker. He may not have believed in God, but he taught me to have Faith if it was what I felt I needed.

A little side note about the obituary, Dad and I constantly tried to "one up" each other. My brother put the obituary together, going through years of me and dad and our picking at each other John Allen did two things that he knew would absolutely make me smile, well in all honesty when I first read it it made me cry... But now I smile. The first, all the kids are listed by age, except me I actually should be the third oldest daughter, but dad would always say when asked about about his kids, "and last but not least theres My Candida". Second my middle name is Lee yet my dad always called me "Candida Marie", so there I am listed as Candida M.

Sorry didn't mean to ramble, but I could go on and on about my dad.
DeeDee, my thoughts and prayers are always with you. Your Daddy sounds like mine.
Dee, I just didn't know what to say the other day when you told me the news. So hard to lose a parent that you not only loved but also respected and had many fond memories of the past.

I guess that is what is important. Always remember the good and that will help to carry you through this difficult time.

Again, my condolences to you and your family.
Thanks guys.
Gene, I think when I called you I was still kinda in shock over it. And it was great to just have you listen thanks.
Hey DeeDee I realize I just got here and all but if you need someone to talk to I'm here
Dee, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Losing my dad was probably the hardest thing I ever went through in my life. I just hope you can find comfort in this time. I will pray for you and your family. You have all lost such an essential part of your lives. But trust me, it does get easier even if it doesn't seem like it right now.

Someone once told me "Don't cry because it is over, crack a smile because it happened". They told me that the day my mother-in-law lost her battle with cancer. I thought it was appropriate and it helped me at the time. In some ways, it still does.
Dee, so sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. Sounds like he was a terrific Dad. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.
I just want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind words. Benevolent One, your quote is a big part of how I am getting through. I just keep thinking of all the wonderful times with my dad and how he constantly made me smile. He would not want me to be crying. What makes me sad is that for the last several years mom and I have had a very rocky relationship, therefore my Tay did not have the oppurtunity to be as close to my dad as I wish she would have had been. And knowing that my little baby boy I am expecting in Dec will never have a chance to meet this amazing man breaks my heart.
And knowing that my little baby boy I am expecting in Dec will never have a chance to meet this amazing man breaks my heart.

Dee, I know you are a good mom to Tay and you will be the same with your new son. I am sure that some of that has come from your relationship with your dad.

So your son may not have had the opportunity to know your dad. But through you and your kindness and love, he will experience a part of your dad's love and influence in an indirect way.

Take care of yourself and I hope to catch you on one of my trips in the next couple months.
Dee - My son never met his paternal grandfather and my middle daughter was not quite 1 1/2 when he died. The oldest was just 4. They don't have a lot of their "own" memories about grandpa, but we've made sure they know as much as possible about him. Unfortunately, my son was still pretty young when his maternal grandmother died, too. My girls have many memories of their grandma, but not my son. We make sure he knows her, too. At the time my MIL passed, in addition to my grief and shock that morning, I also worried my husband might resent I still had both of my parents. If he did, he never said so.

I'm just glad my kids have had the years to know my parents. Unfortunately, Dad is almost 91 and it's hard for them to remember how spry he was for so many years and how much he did with them. Neither of my parents are in great health and I'm just so happy my middle daugther had them at her wedding. None of the other grandkids look to be heading in that direction at any time soon. It was sort of bittersweet for me, thinking this may be their only grandchild they see married. I'm sorry to be rambling, but it's something that's always right there in the back of your mind that you don't want to think about, but do anyway at times. ( I also didn't mean to make this sound like it's about me, but just sharing how my kids have gotten to know their grandparents even though they weren't physically here, I hope it might help you in the future. Also, no matter how long you have your parents, the thought of losing them, never ends bringing you dread no matter how old they are, or you are, for that matter.)

I know you'll do your best to make sure your kids know all about your dad and he'll live through your memories you share. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
DeeDee............. So sorry to hear about your father, He seemed to ba a wonderful man. The smiles will come back after awhile when you think of him, Then you will soon be able to laugh about his pranks again.
DeeDee, you will always have those wonderful memories to share with Tay and your son. Congratulations are in order! Will you name him after your Dad?
Guido, thank you so much you are a dear friend. Can't wait to see you again soon.

wny24fan, did not find your post rambling at all. I really appreciated it. I started a journal the other night of fond memories of my dad to share with my son. Although he will never meet my dad I will make sure he knows what a wonderful man he was.

be9, thank you. Dad was wonderful. Remembering him will be full of smiles.

Kat, thank you also. And no my son will not be named after my dad. My bother is already a JR. My son's name, Preston Wyatt, was already picked out before I found out I was having a boy.
Kellogg thank you so much, I really appreciate it. And please know my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
I just want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind words. Benevolent One, your quote is a big part of how I am getting through. I just keep thinking of all the wonderful times with my dad and how he constantly made me smile. He would not want me to be crying. What makes me sad is that for the last several years mom and I have had a very rocky relationship, therefore my Tay did not have the oppurtunity to be as close to my dad as I wish she would have had been. And knowing that my little baby boy I am expecting in Dec will never have a chance to meet this amazing man breaks my heart.

Thanks Dee. I'm glad I could help, even a little.
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