I saved a lock of her hair. I am so hurt by this! She was getting great medical care with the help of true friends and knew what was happening.
She was not my first pet to go over the Rainbow Bridge and I like to believe she is romping with her friends including the first kitty she ever knew.
IF anyone knows of a small {under 10 lbs) adult dog who needs rescuing and can be brought to my home in GA, please get in touch.
Molly is buried in the yard with a beautiful piece of pottery marking her resting place. My friends came for the small goodby and have made a cross from fallen tree limbs. She is a peace.
I'm STILL in mourning and me Kitty (Maj-A-Kitty) is too. we want to adopt a rescue Maltese adult Female ASAP, but because we are both handicapped we are having difficulty with meeting potential new "children".
Thanks so much y'all.
TRL, I have filled out the adoption papers for at least 4 female adult maltese and am anxiously awaiting a reply. SouthernComfort is not all that far north, in Hixon, TN.