My dog Charlie.


DE Wrangler 2

Just a bit ago Charlie, my medium sized dog was really bugging me to go outside.....he's house broken so I knew he had to pee. So, I drag my butt up off this chair in front of my computer to go take him out. Well, the other two (Chihauhaus, one male and one female) decide they want to go too. So Cutiepie leashes up Cheech (male) and puts the red strobe light on Chalupa (she is pretty good at coming when called, but we like to know where she's at). Okay, the whole famdamily goes out the back door to go pee.....nothing new in this household! Cutie's got Cheech on a leash and I have Charlie.........Chalupa is running around free (that blinking red strobe light flashing's really a sight to see!!:) ). Cheech does his stuff, and from the pauses in the strobe light's position, I figure Chalupa has done her stuff too.....I'm trying to lead Charlie to the trees and places he has shown me are his favorite places to go. He's just sniffing but not doing his stuff........remember, this the the dog that started this whole adventure outside. Anyway, after about 5 minutes, Cutie and I are waiting for Charlie to decide which tree or what rock is best and just talking. I look down and Charlie is peeing on my shoe!! My dog............pissed on me!!:(
Originally posted by kat2220
LOL, and what did YOU do to deserve that:p

Don't know......maybe it was blowing him off for about 10 mins!:) Darn dog.......thought he liked me!:(
:ROFLMFAO: :ROFLMFAO: Sorry.... De W 2 thats funny!

I have always heard "It's better to be pissed off than pissed on":D :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Don't know......maybe it was blowing him off for about 10 mins!:)   Darn dog.......thought he liked me!:(

DE, he LOVES you and proved it my marking his territory:D
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