My email to my State Senator


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Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Dear Senator,

You are an embarrassment to American citizens, you are nothing but a slicker version of Al Sharpton.

Your anti-American attitude as of late has further humiliated not only your family, but every American family that lives in your state.

Using this impending war as a political platform for your own advancement and the advancement of your dying party puts us in harm's way here and abroad.

The fact that you are unable to stand together with your fellow Americans, constituents and President in this dire time and choose to go against the grain to simply advance your dying career makes me nauseous to my very core.

You have always been a disruptive presence in this country; a race-baiting, trouble making bully. It is time to put your greed and crooked agenda behind you, and support us as Americans. This is the greatest country in the world, and you are doing direct damage to it with your words. Your actions spit into the face of not only my American pride but the blood spilled to make this country what it is.

Apparently you see this country and the people that died to make it what it is as mere vehicles to perpetuate your selfish, hateful and dangerous agendas. In my mind, that is no different than a pig are one in the same.

Consider any American blood spilled in the coming months a direct result of your actions.
All the years i lived in Mass. i never voted for that SOB. He has not only hurt the fabric of Politics in the US, he has really corrupted the state of Mass.,all that he has done has trickled down to the smaller politicians in the state, resulting in the dismal economic state of affairs. I love Mass., i grew up their, spent 37 or so of my 42 years there, but i hate the coruption, the underhanded dealings , the short comings of the Democrats. Bravo....Paul! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
That must be to that butt-head I herd on the news today, very good letter...
I'm sure some may not agree with your letter Paul but two thumbs up for taking action. More ought to.

To see and hear the politicians running their mouths when the country is within days of a war not supporting the President and who are instead thinking solely of political status and further positions, I say shame on them!

Support your country NOW! Plenty of time to bicker and go over the facts later.
Very well written and thank you for taking your time to care for this country. We need to write all our Senator's and Congressmen. They need to hear from the people who elected them. I for one am going to do this tonight. My Congressmen is Ron Lewis and he is doing a great job. We need to recongnize them also. A good word goes a long way. Once again, thank you Paul for expressing your feelings and supporting our country in her time of need
Paul...I have been embarrased for the people of Mass for years because of that bum. From Chapaquidock(sp?) to his current comments about the impending war to Iraq he is a disgrace to the office of Senator. Cheers to you for taking action. :cheers:
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