My mother-in-law is in ICU



Sorry if my thoughts wander here as my mind is rushing quite a bit.

My mother-in-law has a very large tumor that they believe to be a "female type" cancer. This much was discovered a few weeks ago when she had severe cramping followed by bleeding. This tumor has been getting bigger and bigger while they try to determine it's specific origin. She was scheduled for surgery at the end of march or the beginning of april.

Today she was so sick they took her to the emergency room where it was determined this tumor had likely "perforated her colon". She has a severe infection because of this. They will attempt to drain something very early tommorow(friday) morning. If they are unable to drain this they will open her up and take the tumor and anything else that threatens her life. My wife is understandable shaken. My father-in-law is very sick (emphysema(sp?)) and is unable to even go to the hospital to be with her.

Please keep up is your thoughts and prayers. Thanks, Chris
Oh 4x I hope and pray she will be OK.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your loved ones!
You can count on my prayers from Louisiana bud. One is headin your way now. :lilangel:
Thanks guys.

I've been on the phone with my brother-in-law in Alaska. His wife (my wife's sister and Janet's daughter) is freaking out. He is being deployed to the middle east sometime between tonight and the 26th of March. She is now torn between flying home to see her mom tonight and waiting until he is gone and then coming home. This is just really a screwed up deal. :(
Very unfortunate there, I hope she's ok and makes a full recovery, will be sending my prayers and thoughts for you guys. I wish the best for you and yours.

Thanks guys and girls. No news to report as of 8:15 this morning, but I will update you all when I get back from work tonight hopefully.

I really do appreciate your prayers and well wishes. Thanks again, Chris
Well before I could get out of the house, my wife called. They just confirmed that it is cancer and it has spread to her liver. They are still trying to decide what comes out and when. :(
DE and myself want you to know your mother in law is in our thoughts and prayers......
Chris, my continued prayers and thoughts to you and yours through these rough times.
Chris, my thoughts and prayers for you and the family. Hold tight to each other and put your faith in God. We're all here for you, if you need to talk.
Praying for the best for you and your family. keep us up to date when you can.
Thanks again guys. This has been a very long couple of days. They drained a bunch of stuff today and didn't have to operate immediately (or couldn't because of the infection). The plan as of now is to try to get her strength up enough to make it through surgery.

The cancer specialist asked her how far she wanted to go with the treatments. That has to be about the scariest question I could imagine being asked :(
I really do appreciate all of you and your concerns. It is good therapy for me to post these things as I go. Believe it or not, it helps to organize my thoughts as they are plentiful. I hope these ramblings are not too annoying. If they are, get over it. If they aren't, thanks ;)
Hey man, thats what we are here for, I wouldn't know you if you slugged me in the mouth but I feel your pain. More prayers from Louisiana. :lilangel:
It is now 1:30am or so our time and my wife just got a call from her brother and ran to the hospital. Her brother came home from work and found their dad coughing up blood and obviously very sick. They called 911 and she had to run right back to the same hospital she has been spending way too much time at already. I told you guys he was very sick with emphysema(sp?) and wouldn't take the information about his wife very well. Well, apparently he isn't taking it well at all. :(
continue talking 4X, believe me it helps!! I've still got you in my thoughts and prayers and now I'll double them. Take care of yourself and make sure you wife does too. We don't want to hear you two are sick also. Keep those spirits up and remember we are here for you. :lilangel:
Sending Guardian Angels to help you and your loved ones


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As an update, Janet is finally showing signs of improvement. After they drained the infection and gave her 2 units of blood she slowly started coming around. They gave her a nutritional supplement through her IV today and she started getting some color back and actually seemed close to her normal self. I realize this is just a day on the hilltop and many deep valleys lay ahead. But, we need to rejoice over even the smallest good things in this journey.

Also her dad is doing much better and they expect he may even be discharged from the hospital sunday or monday.

Thanks again for your prayers and well-wishes, 4x
4X, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Use the forum to gather your thoughts all you need, we are here. If you need anything we will do what we can, as I am sure you know.
That sounds like good news. But will still keep you in my thoughts till she gets back home. :cheers:
No news to report for sunday as she was just mostly resting and recouperating. The lab results are supposed to be back monday and the specialist will go over the results with Janet and my wife. They will formulate a plan at that point. Here's hoping the results are better than anticipated.
Sorry to perhaps seem like a whiner, but this is getting pretty rough. My wife has been asked to sign a "power of attorney" on monday before they do any surgery etc. She is really getting overwhelmed by the situation. She has a very well educated sister who has no children or even a household to try to hold together. Her sister would be perfect for this job if she wasn't so irresponsible and selfish. My wife loves and respects her mom too much to refuse to act in this capacity, but she really feels ill-equipped to handle all of this at once. :unsure:
I just got back from spending several hours at the hospital. Janet is doing quite a bit better, although certainly not ready to jump up and dance. They said she has adenocarcinoma, although it is still not known if it is colon or ovarian in it's origin. They will run tests wednesday to determine it's origin before surgery is performed. They said that the survival rate is similar either way. When pressed for a time-line thay said that either way she is looking at anywhere from 2 weeks to 18 months depending on quite a few factors.

Now that much of the infection has been removed they are getting a much better picture of her true condition. The cancer now doesn't appear to have spread nearly as far as originally feared. They said she will "still have one heck of a surgery" ahead of her once the infection clears up enough to perform it.

Thanks again for all of your prayers, they seem to be working well. Please keep them coming, we are by no means out of the woods yet.

Thanks, 4x.
That's a little better news, 4x. Hope things continue to improve for her. Continuing to send thoughts and prayers your way!
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