Originally posted by RobbyG Fan@Jun 8 2004, 06:57 PM
Dick was a dick. Pun intended... umm... I think. :lol: It was his fault because he rudely interrupted Mark Martin just to get some words from Tony. I figured after he got Tony's $0.02 he would have came back to Mark but he never did. Pretty messed up.
Personally I cant stand Dick Berg...whatever. His bias towards certain drivers just oooze out of him. Id say he is the worst pit reporter in the business right now. But then again thats just my opinion.
Dick Berggren is not the first reporter nor will he be the last, to show favortism toward a driver or team. When Berggren jumped toward Tony, it was as if he did it without prompting from producers.
It was a year or two ago when Berggren was scheduled to be inducted into the Sprint Car Hall of Fame.
Because of conflicts with his broadcasting job on that date, the timing made it nearly impossible for Berggren to attend the induction ceremony.
Tony Stewart gave Dr. Berggren the use of his personal jet and Berggren fulfilled not only his committment as a broadcaster but, thanks to Tony, was present at the induction ceremony as well.
Berggren is an appreciative guy. He did not forget what Stewart did for him and like any other human being, sometimes forgets where the line is drawn in the sand between personal relationships, gratitude and professionalism.
What Berggren did during the interview with Mark Martin was an error. He unintentionally snubbed Martin, stepping in front of him, to interview Tony. Despite Berggren's wealth of education and knowledge, he screwed up. Or his producers screwed up. But he does not deserve to be placed on a spit over an open fire. Tony was the catalyst and Berggren was the unintentional culprit.
There is no question Berggren has apologized and is more than aware of his faux paux, even if he were prompted.
This is reminiescent of reporting that came from Jerry Punch when ESPN carried the series.
As bad as Waltrip and a few others have been as commentators, Jerry Punch is another reporter who was/is blatant about showing favoritism toward driver(s) or friends.