My son and I got matching tattoos

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
My son and I got matching tattoos on saturday. That was a great time. We had a blast and it was a cool bonding experience. I took him to the guy who did my other two tats and I knew I could trust him. My son handled it better than I even hoped he would. He handled it a lot better than his mom handled her first tattoo a few weeks ago.

I've gotten a few funny looks from people because my son is 14 years old. He really wanted it and I've got no problem with him being a little cooler in other kids eyes.

It is a small (2.5 inch) cross tattoo that he designed (he wants to be a tattoo artist when he gets a little older). He got his on his right upper forearm. I got mine on my right shoulder since I already had a different tattoo on my right upper forearm. I would post pics, but I'm not very good at it.
And some believe that tattoos are verboten in the Christian religion.
My nephew got his first tattoo when he turned 18. He will be 28 in July and he has wished for several years that he hadn't got a tattoo but can't afford to get rid of it.
My only problem with tats is that I have yet to find something that I want on my arm today that I KNOW I'll want on it when I'm 90.

Bev1, you probably hit it pretty close... but 14? Definitly on the edge.... but hey, he's your kid. I just hope he doesn't change it when he's 19, drunk, and mad at you for something silly...

I can certainly understand those who think 14 is too young. I even understand the self-righteous vigilantes who want to refer to scripture (old testament law) that would have us stone anyone caught in many of the same acts that these same people practice themselves.

I also understand that many 14 year olds are not even close to mature enough to make a decision like he did and we agreed with. As far as my son is concerned, I really don't see him regretting getting a simple cross on his forearm. He may. And if he does, he can always get it altered or removed all together at a later date.
To each his own.
If he does regret it it will be just one of the many regrets that we as adults have. Certainly not the biggest regret he may have (if he regrets it at all).
At mid-life, I can honestly say that I would trade a regretful tattoo for one of the greater regrets that trouble me (however, none of my tattoos, do I regret :D).
Perhaps it is my age..

But I would shy away from hiring a tatoo'd 14 or 16 year old for any job! I recall when only drunken sailors had tatoos. A tatoo was the mark of worldy low lives is what we were taught. It has carried in my mind all my life.
But I would shy away from hiring a tatoo'd 14 or 16 year old for any job! I recall when only drunken sailors had tatoos. A tatoo was the mark of worldy low lives is what we were taught. It has carried in my mind all my life.

Times change, try and keep up...
Being a 17 year old girl, I think that it doesn't matter how old you if you are getting a small tattoo, just as long as you know what you are doing, and as long as you aren't some 10 year old walking around with a sleeve of tattoos :) Tattoo's are a personal expression so if you want to express yourself, go for it! :D
It's not like it used to be. Everyone has tattoos now. I know many, many law enforcement employees with sleeves. I know firefighters and EMT's with tattoos. It's no longer just a thing for criminals and gangbangers, as it was in the past.
Oh Blondie

A grown woman walking around with a 17 year olds tatoos on her body will have regrets most any day.
Please wait until you are 35 or so to even consider what you want to show off to the general public on your body.
A grown woman walking around with a 17 year olds tatoos on her body will have regrets most any day.
Please wait until you are 35 or so to even consider what you want to show off to the general public on your body.

Yes, I do completely agree with you there, I'm going to wait several years before I get one, but if I ever did this early I would make sure it would suite me for when I'm 20 to 95. That's why I would only ever get a tattoo that is very personal to me and something that I design myself. But I will cross that bridge once I get to it :)
A grown woman walking around with a 17 year olds tatoos on her body will have regrets most any day.
Please wait until you are 35 or so to even consider what you want to show off to the general public on your body.

Yes, I do completely agree with you there, I'm going to wait several years before I get one, but if I ever did this early I would make sure it would suite me for when I'm 20 to 95. That's why I would only ever get a tattoo that is very personal to me and something that I design myself. But I will cross that bridge once I get to it :)
Ok, ok, not EVERYONE, but a lot of younger (than me) people do. It seems to be trendy as of late.


Just another fad that will die out.

And years later, many of these folks will sit back and shake their heads and realize how stupid they were to get one.

Sorry, but I never subscribed to what was the latest fad or trend. And I don't feel that my life has been deprived of anything nor do I feel "un-cool" because I don't have something.

Not poking at you Bobby. Just agreeing with what you say with my own reasons and opinions.

I am not against tattoos. Just think that some look awful and the reason that many get them because they want to draw attention to themselves and be one of the crowd. They call it showing their individuality but to me, many are just a bunch of lemmings.
I'm sure if I were younger and/or single my attitudes on tattoos might be different. The guys have it made these days what with the tramp stamps advertising they be freaky.
I think there's nothing wrong with that, Benevolent....sounds like a good time & everytime he looks at his first ink, he'll remember that day he spent with you. Pretty awesome in my book !! Post pics when you can !!
I think there's nothing wrong with that, Benevolent....sounds like a good time & everytime he looks at his first ink, he'll remember that day he spent with you. Pretty awesome in my book!! Post pics when you can!!

agreed! I think it's something special that you and your son will always share, Congrats to you both Benevolent One :)
Soon as I'm able, I'll post up some pics of mine. I think someones ink is someones own way to express their selves. Mine all say something about me. I'd like to see a pic of them!!! Ink rocks!!!

And can NOT be done while drunk. Getting a tat done while drinking is against the law.... well, supposed to be anyway. :D

Here thay are


TF44 I must tell you there are prolly better selections to choose from...and next time choose a better artist!
TF44 I must tell you there are prolly better selections to choose from...and next time choose a better artist!

Well the top one is a flying something or other that's just passed gas. I think that's what that is behind him.
The 2nd one is a cartoon spider that's lost 2 legs hanging over a skull.
The 3rd clue.
I suppose they may look better in person.
The first is a lion with wings. Mid-evil times called a "shapardo" (SP)

second one i got before i went to the Army. At first it was only a skull, then the next day I went back and got the "tribal". Basically represents life over death.

The thrid is a panther ripping out of my arm. When i first got them my arms were bigger. But since I havent been racing quads, they have shrunk. And yes, they do look better in person. Bad light. The second pic is accually the first one i got. First pic is the scond, and last, well. Easy there :D The first pic was done in Maryland by one of the nations best. Colors run a little after a while. That was in '99. for teh first 2. The last one was done by our areas best guy. Well his son done it for him. He sat and watched his kid. But it was really nice when done. And my choice is fine. My body, my choice.... Not trying to be a **** about it, but I am not criticizing anyone for what they have chosen.... Please dont me...
Hey TAYLORFAN44, nice tattoo's! After all this talk on tattoo's, I've already started to design one for myself. It's going to include my Gemini symbol, a lily (in memory of my auntie), something canadian, and some other stuff. About a year ago, I designed my cousin's tattoo with a tiny help from an artist. It's about the size of a dinner plate, and it's her baby girl's face and only the eye's are coloured blue. It's absolutly stunning but a little big for my liking. Anybody else thinking of getting a tattoo any time soon??
I have accually thinking about getting a few more. I got 4 kids and have thought about getting their faces and names on somewhere.... not to sure yet :D

Thanks Blondie!!
My 21 year old daughter had a picture of her sister that passed put on in tattoo form. It freaked me out at first, but I'm getting use to it. She said, "it was a way of always having India with her".

I don't care for tattoo's for myself, but if I judged someone that had them, I would have to start with my daughter, lol I think she has three. She's a good daughter. No drugs and/or alcohol. I would prefer tattoo's over drugs and alcohol anyday.

It's good to be different. :)
Here where I live they are very strick about the age of tattooing.. you have to be 18 or you aint getting nothing done!! Noone wants to get their shop busted for tattooing minors! 14 does seem quite young.. I think I might have waited a while and gave him something to earn or looked forward to in his atleast later teen years but that just my opinion. To each their own!! Dont get me wrong I love Tattoos.. I have 3 myself but i was 26 when i got my first one.
These days though, if ya dont live your life today, it may not be here tomorrow... My cousins baby died at 4 weeks, just as he was starting out... So i am a lot more open about what someone wants to do. But, at least we still have Robby Gordon LOL Always a topic there to :D JK
i've always thought that tats were a great way of identifying someone (like for theift or if they died)

I have no tats just a lot of scars.:p
B-One, while I think 14 is a little young for a tattoo it is your choice as a parent to allow it.

FTR, I have a tattoo. Well, technically I have two. One covers the other. Got them when I was in my mid-30's. I plan on getting another, just have to find the right thing!
Both of my girls got tatoos as soon as they turned 18. They're really popular with their age group - one is 27 and the other 24. Not crazy about a couple of my oldest's, but I don't mind the younger ones at all. Hers are "girly" - flowers and a butterfly. She has them where they can be covered easily and you usually only see them in a bathing suit or short shirts, etc., which rules out work clothing. ;) On the other hand my son who is 20 going on 21, has had no interest in getting one. Maybe it's because he's poor or he just doesn't like needles. :D

I've seen a lot of older people who have started getting them since the kids fad started. Unless they're really weird or super prominent, I don't much notice them anymore or think much of them.
These days though, if ya dont live your life today, it may not be here tomorrow... My cousins baby died at 4 weeks, just as he was starting out... So i am a lot more open about what someone wants to do. But, at least we still have Robby Gordon LOL Always a topic there to :D JK

I'm so sorry to hear about your Cousin's baby, that would have been very tough :( I know what you mean by, "If ya dont live your life today, it may not be here tomorrow" I lost 3 of my close friends in one year (all drinking and driving, and my age) and I had to do CPR on one of them. Life is definatly unprodictable!
thats why i say if someone wants to do "it" (whatever it is) as long as they have enough support, to do it.... his death has really changed my way of thinking some. Got to be open minded... but some will still say they dis-agree... but hey, no biased opinions, everyone who speaks their mind, good or bad, is looked up to by me! Anyway...TATS LOL
B-One, while I think 14 is a little young for a tattoo it is your choice as a parent to allow it.

FTR, I have a tattoo. Well, technically I have two. One covers the other. Got them when I was in my mid-30's. I plan on getting another, just have to find the right thing!

maj, might I suggest my User name for your back, oh right about thong level should do the trick... :D
maj, might I suggest my User name for your back, oh right about thong level should do the trick... :D


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