My Top 2 Picks

I was rooting for Nevada until they got knocked out of course, originally I root for UNLV and Notre Dame.
You've gotta like UConn's chances. They really are the better team. Although as we have seen lately, that doesn't always mean they will win.
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Apr 4 2004, 07:42 AM
You've gotta like UConn's chances. They really are the better team. Although as we have seen lately, that doesn't always mean they will win.
Ga has already whupped UCONN this season, but that doesn't realy mean anything.

This should be a good game!
Originally posted by turtle3539@Apr 4 2004, 10:00 PM
Uhh, Roll Tide? :lol:
that reminds me, my 1st block teacher (big uk fan) was asked before class was over thursday who was going to win it all and he yalled "UK" then i yelled "Roll Tide" ppl looked at us funny. i wonder why. :unsure:

:lol: :lol:
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